Chapter XII

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Chapter XII: 3rd PoV
Percy slashed and hacked at the dummies in the arena. Small beads of sweat dripped down his face. He threw a knife and it hit the bullseye in the center of a target.

A light round of applause from behind caused him to turn around. When he did, Percy found himself face-to-face with Zoë, the lieutenant if Artemis's hunt.

One of her dark eyebrows was raised as she clapped sardonically. "You fight well, if you were a girl I'd try to convince you to join the hunt. But why did you not fight like this yesterday? I distinctly remember capturing you as you failed to block a blow from a ten year-old hunter."

"I don't try to be remembered." Percy muttered under his breath. "And it usually works. This is my eighth year here and Chiron forgot what my name was last time we talked. I'm just another kid in the unclaimed cabin. And I think most gods are real pricks."

Zoë didn't look put off by his harsh tone, she seemed more curious. Seeing she wanted to talk, Percy capped his sword. His sheathing didn't get the reaction he expected, upon sight of the blade, the huntress bristled and her voice became marginally colder.

"Where did you get that sword?"

"Are you aware of the prophecy that surrounds it?" Percy countered, avoiding answering her question.

"Boy I know everything about that blade." Zoë spoke softly, as if in remembrance of a deceased family member.

"Because it was yours and you gave it to Heracles?" Percy supplied. At her shocked look he ducked down shyly. "I had a dream."

Zoë slowly nodded, "Yes boy, that sword held my immortal power."

A shocked look crossed Percy's face. "Then I can't keep this! It's yours." He swiftly handed the sword to its true owner, who stood, dumbfounded. A male had just passed up the opportunity for more power.

"Boy," Her voice was soft and gentle. "I don't think you quite understand the magnitude of what you've just done. I can't keep this. It is no longer mine, it's yours, just as I believe the Great Prophecy is yours to fulfill. You've given me much to think about."

Zoë gave him a slight smile and walked away, reassessing everything she's ever thought about men. It seemed that some could truly be good.

Percy didn't miss the glances Zoë kept throwing at him during dinner. And he certainly didn't miss the extreme blanching of her face when the oracle walked into the Dining Hall. There were many screams, but Zoë's look was much more...personal. Had the spirit of Delphi done something to her in the past?

Once everyone had calmed down, the Oracle hissed green smoke and spoke with the voice of many.

"The camper with the most beads will lead four others West.
The lone huntress will return to the place she knows best.
A death and a falsity will occur before the quest has reached its end.
And an object surfaces to save one not yet a friend.
All to find the lost object and return it to prevent war.
And begin another when the host has the floor."

Annabeth was quick to leap up as soon as the Oracle collapsed. "I'm obviously supposed to lead this quest! I've been here the longest, so Luke and I haveto go."

Her face fell, however, when Chiron gave a slight shake of his head. "I'm afraid that another holds the title of longest camper."

The daughter of Athena's face turned a rather ugly shade of red. "I need a quest Chiron! Who holds a more valid claim other then I?"

Percy, who had been quietly observing the entire conversation, finally spoke up. "I believe I do, miss Chase. It is almost my ninth year here, while it is barely your sixth."

"Who's your godly parent?" Luke asked.

"I'm in your cabin Luke! An unclaimed camper, but I still have lived here for as long as you've been here." Percy sighed deeply. "No one cares about the unclaimed."

His statement was echoed with affirmations from all around the Hermes table, and from some hunters.

Running his fingers through his hair, Percy spoke again. "I would like Zoë, Nico, Bianca, Lou, and Katie to meet me outside. I need to talk with you."

Without waiting for any answers, he walked out, the people he had called out following.

When they were a safe distance away, he finally spoke. "I know that the prophecy says I am only to bring four, and I plan to, but I must inform you all of something. Kronos is rising, we are in the the brink of war. I need someone I trust to stay at camp to keep me updated. I think Katie should do this job, because I've known her for years. Not that I am calling any of you guys liars."

Percy also was worried about Katie's dreams, he wanted her near Apollo campers, where she could receive immediate medical attention. Katie nodded and hugged him, before jogging back to dinner.

"Good, it's necessary to bring Zoë, because I believe she is the lone huntress mentioned in the prophecy. Also, she is the only hunter of Artemis I even remotely know. The object of our quest, occurring to the prophecy, is to find and return Zeus's master bolt. You four are people I won't mind spending time with, and I hope you all will decide to come."

Bianca slung her bow over her shoulder. "I'm game." Her brother nodded, and Lou added, "Well duh feather brain! I'm always game for kicking some ass!"

Zoë had already said yes, but she confirmed it with a curt nod. The huntress was quite visibly unhappy at the thought of spending time with two boys. Even if one had gained her respect.

"Wonderful, let's go retrieve Zeus's toy."

Thunder rumbled.

"Symbol of power, same difference."

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