chapter 4: secrets, relation ships, and denied feelings

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Okay everyone I'm gonna cut it short. Just continue to vote, read, comment, and share. Tell me what you think of it and if its negative keep it to yourself. That's all for now besides if you click the YouTube video press play on YouTube and tap it 3 times and it won't show the screen but it will let you hear the music. Enjoy!
In the morning Gray's P.O.V.:
I woke up in the morning with my arm snaked around Lucy's waist. I looked at her sleeping form and she looked like an angel with her sun kissed hair spread out, chest falling up and down ever so slightly and her soft snores could be heard. Gray smiled and decided to make breakfast so he made pancakes with bacon, eggs, and toast. He went up stairs to wake lucy up. She wouldn't get up she just kept on saying five more minuets. Gray had an idea so he layed next to her, wrapped his arm around her waist and started to suck, kiss, and nibble at her juction between her shoulders. He heared her start to moan a little at that which turned him on. She woke up still moaning " graaay. Mmmm stop it. It's embarrassing." Gray finally quit. He pouted and said "mean, your no fun. Anyways breakfast is ready I just gotta make some blueberry sauce to go with it." He left at that and when he was stirring the sauce two arms wrapped around his waist and snuggled to him.

Lucy pov:

I stared to sneak behind Gray and snuggled to him and pressed my chest to his back and wrapped my arms around his waist. I heard a groan come from him so I let go and went to the living room couch.
_______________________________ Gray POV again

Omg.... I really don't think she knows what she does to me? When she pressed her bust against my back I felt like dominating her by grabbing her and pinning her to the counter and... NO GRAY! YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO DO THAT TO HER AND MAKE HER THINK ALL YOU WANT IS HER BODY. Man I need to stop talking to myself in third person. He finishes breakfast and calls in Lucy, after they eat breakfast they wanted to walk through the cherry blossom sakura tree park. Isn't it so pretty out here Gray :) said Lucy. Yes but not as pretty as you, because nothing can compare to you. Said Gray being cheesy af. Lucy blushes. Aww thank you Gray. And nothing in the world is more handsome than you. She hugged them and continued their journey through the park. Little did they know, Natsu and lissanna were there too. Thank you for coming here with me Gray. Said Lucy no problem but there is something I have to ask you.said Gray Ok ask away. Said Lucy in her cheerful tone as always. If I told you I was a sabertooth member would you still except me? Or hate me cause those guilds are sworn enemy's? Said Gray praying to God rn that she would except him. But also they didn't notice Natsu and Lisanna hiding behind a tree listening. Look Gray I don't care what guild you are from. You are my boyfriend and you love me as much as I love you. You showed me in just a couple of days that you are the most kind, handsome, and most loving man I've ever met. You showed me love again after Natsu broke my heart. So if your from sabertooth then I guess our guilds are just gonna have to deal with it cause no matter what others say, I will still love you. Said Lucy pouring her heart and soul into her words as she spoke them with nothing but the truth and loyalty. She put her arms around Gray's neck and got on her tippy toes and kissed Gray fully on the lips. Gray kissed her back enjoying every moment of it knowing she would stay loyal to him as he is to her. She released from the kiss not knowing that mira was walking through and started fangirling so she asked for his name. I'm Gray, Gray fullbuster. Lucy's boyfriend. Said Gray EEP GRAYLU SHIP! YOU TWO LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER! SAID mira totally fangirling. Lucy and Gray went to the guild to get her masters approval.
Lucy pov.

I walked hand in hand with Gray inside the guild and there were murmurs heard through out the guild but they ignores them and went to masters office I knocked on the door and heard a faint 'come in' through the door.

Masters pov.

I was doing some boring paperwork because team Natsu destroyed another mission causing me to pay for the damage, when I heared 3 knocks at the door I said 'come in' When the door opened it revealed my sweet child Lucy but also a strange raven haired boy who seems familiar but I don't know from where. Hello child what brings you here. Also if I may ask who is he. Asked gramps pointing to Gray. I'm Gray Gray fullbuster sir. Also I didn't know you still were guild master. I guess nothing changed since after I left when I was a kid. Then it hit him he remembered Gray was here as a child but later on wished to leave for his own personal reasons. You know each other asked my poor clueless child Lucy. Yes child. Gray was a member of fairytail as a child but when he got older he wished to leave on account of his own personal reasons. It's nice seeing you again Gray. So tell me if I got this correct. You two are dating and you want my permission but even if I don't give you permission either you will beg or you will not care and carry on your love life elsewhere.

Lucy and Gray's pov.

"Damn you were right on the dot with that one gramps/master! Said Gray and Lucy in unison.

Look I will give you my blessing but only if you Gray fullbuster promise me that you will not make my child cry unless of happiness and make her as happy as can be. To love her and be loyal and be by her side no matter what life throws at you. Also most importantly, love each other with all your hearts, souls, and compassion you have and treat her right OK? Said gramps.

" we promise here today to love, respect, and stay loyal to each other as long as we love each other. Which I'm hoping will be for as long as we live. So every morning I can wake up to a loyal and beautiful angel that I love with everything in my body. I will protect her with my life even if I die. Which may I add will not happen so I can stay with Lucy. ( cause im an angel with a shotgun) Gramps was ready to break into tears because it was like a romantic movie right before his eyes that you think would never happen except in the movies but this couple proves that wrong. Then you have my blessing and I hope you will be happy together. Said gramps we both hugged him and ran out the room happy as can be. But the only problem is his master jiema.
Okay another chapter done sorry it took so long I only have the weekends to write cause of school. I had to get adjusted to public school because I was homeschooled most of my life. So yeah anyways I will update whenever possible hope you liked the chapter but PLEASE READ IMPORTANT INFO tell me 1: if you want Gray to have some competition.




Your own made up characters.

2: Do you want when Lucy is being defensive she activates a power she didn't know existed if so what

Dragon slayer (what kind also can be all eliments and if you want her to have an exceed or not but if so send a pic or description of what it looks like and it doesn't have to be a cat as an exceed it can be a wolf or fox or what ever it is you want.

Dark magic

Forbidden magic

Made up magic

3:Give me some ideas for the next chapter please

That's all for now please comment, vote, read, and participate here are some shout outs to those who encourage me also if I forget some I'll include you in the next chapter





3 more friends but they don't have accounts on wattpad so yeah

Also I'm very very sorry I had this chapie done for a while now, like 1 or 2 weeks but I never released it because I forgot. So adleast here it is now. I'll make another one really soon as a 'Sorry I'm way late on posting this chapter' gift.

That's all for now cutie137 out, dueces!

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