Chapter 10: Old Flames and accidents

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As you know I had a voting for Nalu or Graylu, Well of course Graylu won. So that means this book is gonna be longer than what I expected. I am hoping it does not go to like 60 chapters but it might be 15 or somewhere around that number. So I was just informing you of that. On with the story now, you probably skipped this part though and either read Previously or skipped to the story already ignoring what I'm telling you. Previously on Mend My Broken heart: It feels so wrong yet so right to sleep in the same bed as him again. I know what this means and even though I shouldn't be doing it I have to admit to it. I, Lucy Heartfilia, am falling back in love with my ex.
*Next Morning* * Natsu's Pov.* [A/N Didnt see that coming did ya?]

I woke up early in the morning which is very surprising for me, I looked down at my chest and saw Lucy sleeping peacefully with one hand on my abs and one hand tangled into my hair. When I was about to get up she suddenly grabbed my waist and mumbled 'Please don't leave me alone, I don't like being by myself ' so I stayed with her until she woke up and looked at me with those big brown eyes and pouted her pink, plump and oh so soft, kissable lips and asked me what happened. I told her the events that occurred last night, I'm assuming she finally figured out what position we were in and scrambled to get up. She mumbled something about taking a shower and then grabbed clothes and ran to the bathroom. I don't know what that was about. Man, I miss being able to call her mine, I should have stayed loyal to her. If I had stayed loyal I would have found out that Lisanna was just a silly heat of the moment crush, unlike Lucy who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. (A/N Here is the depression.) I actually thought on many occasions, what if it happened differently, what would happen if I killed myself out of guilt, I was so upset that she was out of my life because I cheated on her with a stupid crush. I actually started cutting myself before that, normally on my hips and back. What everyone never knew was that every time I made Lucy upset, I cut myself 5 times for it. I have over 100 scars on my back and hips. I dropped the side of my pants to look at the scars, when all of the sudden the bathroom door opens and I see Lucy standing there with a shocked expression on her face. I immediately pulled it up and acted like nothing happened. She ran over to me and said "What happened to your hip Natsu."
Normal Pov.

They both looked at each other waiting for the other to talk. "Well, are you going to tell me why you have cuts on your hip or am I going to have to force you to?" She said. He didn't respond so Lucy grabbed his pants on the side and pulled it down only to the bottom of his hip. He started to push her away and make her let go but ended up pulling her onto him. They were in an.... Awkward.... position. Lucy was straddling him with part of his pants down on his hip and his instinct when she was falling was to grab her hips. They just stared into each other's eyes in silence. Natsu's eyes dropped to her lips, oh how he wanted to kiss them. "Umm.... N.. Natsu..... I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" She got cut off when he kissed her. He actually had the guts to kiss her after the incident on the train? The only difference is..... She actually kissed back. She kissed him with just as much force as he put into it. She knew it was wrong but..... she couldn't help but love the warm feeling of his lips moving in sync with hers. She figured that it was okay for now since it was the heat of the moment and Gray had done the same with that pale girl with the blue curled hair. This could be her little exception... right? His lips tasted like cinnamon while hers tasted like strawberries. To them, the other's lips were addictive and they didn't want to stop. He rubbed his hands up and down her back while she kept one hand on his hip and the other on his abs. They slowly pulled away, lips still touching, foreheads put together while their heavy, panting breaths mingle. They stared into each other's eyes until Natsu closed his tightly. He started to speak in a slow and pained manner. "Lucy." is all he could manage to say in a hoarse voice. "Natsu.... Please, tell me what happened to you. I just want to help." she said in a pleading tone. "I cut myself...... out of depression." she gasped. He looked down at his legs as if they were the most interesting thing in the world to him. He began to speak once more " It was all my fault. If I had stayed with you, loyal to you and you alone, I would have known that she was a silly crush. I would have known that you were my mate. Now I'll......" he didn't even get to finish his sentence before she hugged him with all her might, making them fall over and into the bed again. She whispers sweet nothings into his ear until he calms down. "Natsu, am I really your mate? Am I the reason you cut yourself? I'm so sorry, I just... I didn't think you would actually do that since your the kind of guy who is almost always either happy or pissed but never depressed. You were the one who cheated on me so I thought you didn't love me. I'm so sorry." "Why the hell are you apologising when your right? I'm the one who cheated. If I had not cheated, you wouldn't have reacted like that, I could have still had my mate, and I wouldn't have been depressed. It was a domino affect because of my actions! I'm to blame for.." before he finished his sentence she crashed her lips into his and held his neck to keep him in place. He was shocked but soon enough kissed her back. He couldn't help but moan at the feeling and taste of her lips on his once more. Lucy shivered once hearing his moan. She wanted to hear more so she started to run her free hand up and down his chest, abs, and through his hair. He couldn't stop himself from moaning at the feeling. He ran his hands over her thighs, stomach, and over her butt. She moaned when he gripped it in his palms.....
*Gray's pov.*
Juvia just kissed me and I couldn't do anything except stand in shock. Sting pushed us apart. I saw Rogue leave with Lucy but I don't know where they are going to. Juvia and I yelled for a few minuets until I gave up and left. I ran down to the train station and bought a ticket to magnolia.
*Time skip to arrival*
I ran down to her old guild but no one would tell me. I went to the park but she wasn't there. I sat under a sakura tree, deep in thought, and before I even noticed sleep overcame me. *Morning* I jolted awake from a nightmare of Lucy and her ex having.... Never mind. Wait! Why didn't I think of checking her apartment last night? I ran to her apartment to see if she had kept it. I was about to knock on the door but since the windows are open I'll go through there. I walked to her room but it was locked. I knocked on the door as hard as I could without breaking it. What surprised me was Natsu's voice saying "Shit."
*Lucy's pov*
I was in a heated make out session with Natsu. He was grabbing and gripping anything he could while I was rubbing every inch of his toned muscles. We both heard a banging on the door. Natsu muttered "Shit." before straightening out his clothes and leaving out the window. I did the same and answered the door. Gray was standing there with a pissed/upset look on his face. He stormed into my room looking for something and I guess he didn't find it. He looked relieved and then grabbed me into a hug. I pushed him away and that's when he looked like he was gonna cry. "Lucy I am so fucking sorry! I was shocked and..." "Did you sleep with her too while you were at it? I hope you had fun. Get out of my apartment. Now!" "Lucy I didn't sleep with her! I would never! I didn't even kiss her, she kissed me! I was in to much shock to do ANYTHING! So don't play that bullshit game with me when you know that I love you and only you!" by now she was in tears because he was yelling at her. He took notice to this very quickly and pulled her into a hug. "Lucy, I'm sorry for yelling. I also wanted to let you know that...."
Cliffhanger! Haha. I had to just so that you will be in suspense. I also am going to try and make more cliffhangers so I can get as many chapters out of this story as I possibly can.
Cutie137 out, Dueces!

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