Chapter 5: Tigers and Fairies?!

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Ok guys so here is your early gift since I was late (like way late) on the other chapter hope you enjoy! Peace.
Previously on mend my broken heart: but the only problem was his master jiema.
Gray's pov:

' what if he doesn't except her, what if I get kicked out my guild, what if... I'm saying what if too much. God I'm such an over thinker.' Right now I'm walking with Lucy to her house because she is gonna let me stay the night again since we are leaving for sabertooth tonight. The only problem is my master. If only tigers and fairies could get along as well as me and Lucy. But that's impossible for them. A guy can only hope this goes well for the both of us.

Lucy pov: ' this is perfect! Master excepted Gray! The only thing is his master. I've heared he is really strict.
But maybe just maybe he will allow it. But none of that matters right now because what's important is that gray loves me and I love him so
Right now im gonna enjoy this before we leave.'

Right now me and Gray are walking to my house/apartment, (and I have a habbit of saying house. Btw Gray's house was not a house cause he lives near sabertooth. He was just here for a mission.... Continue on.) So I can pack
up my things before we leave tonight. So once we got to my apartment I unlocked the door, let Gray in and then went upstairs to pack.

Time skip 2 hours later

After I finished packing I had to find something to wear. I went to my closet and remembered that 1 of the 5 new outfits I got were still in my closet, the other 4 were in the suit case. I grabbed it out of the closet and went to the bathroom without Gray noticing it. I slipped my legs through the black Jean shorts, zipped and buttoned them up, and then put a belt on. Then I grabbed my black shirt with a big white heart in the middle and put it on. Next were my shoes that are still sitting outside..... lovely. 'OK so I'm gonna wait on that.' I kept my hair down, curled my eyelashes, and if I may say I totally rocked the no make up look. I walked out the bathroom with everything ready but my shoes. '' Hey Gray, what do you think?" Gray's jaw dropped.

Gray's pov

'God damn she looks amazing! Especially since those shorts show off her legs and the shirt is sorta tight but not to much.' "You look amazing Lucy." She smiled at his comment and went back to her closet to grab some shoes and she bent over to look through the shoes..... 'DAAAAAAAAMMMMMNNN'
'No bad Gray stop staring at her ass.... Damnit I'm talking to myself in third person again.'
Timeskip to the train station 26 minuets later

" Gray are you OK?" She called for the 6th time on the way inside the train. "Oh sorry Lucy. Yeah I'm fine just wondering what my master would say." "Oh ok. Don't worry about it." They continue until they get to clovertown 2 hours and 45 minuets later. After they get there its about 6:15 in the afternoon. They walked all the way to sabertooth and Gray kicked the doors open while Lucy just hid behind him. Everyone justed stared at Gray and then Lucy stepped out and minerva and sting walk over. Lucy's face lit up because of it and Gray didn't know why. "Cousin min-min, Sting!" Said Lucy as they hugged her. Then master jiema came out saying WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS NOISE?! Lucy came out saying " Uncle jiema? Your the supposedly strict master?" Said Lucy starring at her uncle. "Lucile? Come here my child what brings you here?" Gray looked confused. "My name is Lucile but for the sake of not being known I was called Lucy for short." Lucy explained as she walked up the stairs and hugged her uncle. They went back to his office and started talking about joining Sabertooth. "I will have to have a talk about it with my master but I will defiantly try and join sabertooth."
Said Lucy or should I say Lucile with enthusiasm. "I can just call your master over lacrama and you talk to him that way." "Yeah I rather do that." So he called
Master mokorav and he picked up " what can I help you with jiema?" He turned it to Lucy "hello master. I have a request to join Sabertooth with your consent." "Lucy are you sure?" "Yes master but first can you put the lacrima where the whole guild so I may tell them the news myself as my last request as a fairytail member." "Yes Lucy" the whole guild looked in awe ad she told them what was happening and she got her insignia removed on the lacrima video live in front of the whole guild. Everyone broke into tears. That night was one no one would forget when she got her gold insignia on her side with the sabertooth insignia.

Hey guys that's the end of the chapter. Also here is some news after I finish this book I will be making another but not in relation to this and I will be writing that book with my brother. I thank you who vote and all that good stuff. Anyways thats all for now I'll try and make another chapter soon. Note this chapter has not been edited its raw material so don't mess with me about my mistakes I needed to get this out because my promiss so I gotta go back to my homework now bye.
Cutie137 out, Duces!

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