Chapter 14 Evil Schemes and horrid dreams

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Previously on MMBH: When Gray and I entered the room, Lucy was awake with her head turned towards us; Gray went to comfort her while I watched in disgust. When my plan is finished I want Gray to myself, forget giving him to Juvia. He would be much better off with me anyways, and he is hot so that's a plus. As long as he doesn't get in my way with that then I will enjoy keeping him as my slave/lover. I can't wait to put my plan into action......



Gray pov.

I walked into Lucy's room with Lydia and went to comfort her while Lydia stayed behind.

To be honest, Lydia seems a bit different than before. She was a sweet little girl the last time we met but as of now it seems as if there is a slightly sinister aura to her and I am not sure as to why.

Maybe it is my imagination, but I wanna stay close to Lucy for a little longer just to make sure. Since she is at a vulnerable state, and if Lydia is planning something, then I am right here to protect Lulu.

I hate myself for listening to Lydia about not checking on Lucy, It is my fault for her being in this condition....

Lydia pov.

I think Gray may have caught onto me considering he hasn't left her side in the past few hours and keeps constantly glancing at me.

If he figures out what I'm planning then me and brother Zeref cannot complete our plan.

I walked over to Lucy as Gray stared at me with a cautious look as if he is wondering what I'm gonna do, since I haven't shown affection to my sister then I'm gonna need to so gray will stop being so suspicious.

I walk over to Lucy and hug her while fake crying and said "I'm sorry for interrupting you both but I just couldn't help myself anymore, I needed to hug you and make sure you're okay.

I'm scared Lucy, what if something bad happens? I can't loose you!" I started to fake cry even more so they both believe I truly care as Lucy read my lips then hugged me while whispering in my ear, with a raspy voice, about how she was gonna be okay.

I then felt Gray hug me while telling me about how she is a true fairy tail member and how tough she is and blah blah blah. I can't believe they are buying this crap!

Gray and I both heard Lucy's stomach growl, we laughed at how loud it was. I asked Gray if he could get some food from the village for all of them, but in return all I got was an odd and untrusting look. 

Lucy gave him a look that basically said that it will be fine, he can leave her side for a little while. Gray looked at me again before getting into his feet and leaving the room.

Lucy and I talk for a little before I ask her "So, what is going on between you and gray?" "We are dating, I think I really love him. I didn't expect to be able to even trust someone again, let alone Love but somehow he won me over."

Gray came back moments later with food for all of us. "Crap, I forgot the drinks!" and with that he left the food alone again. Lucy picked up a container of pasta salad but couldn't get it open so I opened it for her. When she turned her head to look at a bird sitting at the window, I poured a few drops of poison and stirred it in before handing it back to her.

She looked at me to see what I put in her lap but quickly was about to eat, moments later Gray came back with drinks and said "Here babygirl, I got you some tea to help." I saw how she looked at him with a thankful nod while he started at her with nothing but love and affection.

It made me sick😷👎🙈 to my stomach to even think about.

As we all started eating, I couldn't help but laugh on the inside. She is about to eat poison!

Then Lucy said, "Wait, Gray I thought you got me pasta?"

"Oops, I grabbed yours. Here let's switch, I haven't eaten out of it either before you start." Gray said with a chuckle.

Shit, that means Gray will get poisoned. God Damn it, now I have to keep him from eating it. I pretended to stretch once I put my food down and "accidently" knock Gray's bowl out of his hands.

"Omg! I am so sorry Gray, I didn't mean to!" I said. I sure hope he believes this cause if he doesn't I am just digging myself deeper.

"It's okay Lydia, I know you didn't mean to. You were just stretching, I'll go get something else."

Lucy asks me to open her drink, so I do. I need to figure out how to poison her.

"Hey Lucy. You know how you used to love blue birds a lot?"

"Yeah, they always interested me."

"Well one is staring at you from the tree."

Lucy turned and I quickly slipped 6 drops in so she will feel the effects in about 30 minutes.

Lucy just laughed and smiled at the bird. God she is a dumb ass, but that helps with the plan so i'm not gonna complain.

Lucy downs the bottle and then said that she is tired, little does she know; she won't be waking up.

*Lucy's P.O.V*

I could feel my eyes getting heavy almost as if I was drugged. When I fell asleep, I could see a red light. Why am I seeing red, what happened to me? All I did was... Suddenly I saw myself.

My 8 year old self, hiding behind the staircase. I heard yelling. Why does that sound like my dad? All the sudden I see my mom running in her dress when she got yanked back by who looks to be my father.

"COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE CHEATING WHORE!" This was the day that mama went to see her close friends Igneel and Silver. They all had been best friends since birth.

Igneel and Silver actually got along very well unlike their kids Natsu and Gray. Yes I knew Gray when I was little and Natsu too even though they don't remember.

My thoughts were cut off by an ear splitting screech that came from none other than my mama. I see her being dragged by her hair and onto the couch. My dad ripped off her dress "IF YOU WANNA BE A WHORE THEN YOU ARE GONNA GET TREATED LIKE ONE!"

When he started to rip off her underwear and bra that's when 8 year old me let out a scream "MAMA! DADDY WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!"

"COME HERE NOW LUCILE ASHLEY HEARTFILIA!" when I tried to make a run up the stairs he grabbed me and threw me next to mama. She held me close and had her head sideways towards him to keep and eye on him while covering me with her body in a protective manner.


And that's when he slapped mama. I was crying my eyes out, scared that I was gonna get hit next.... Someone please wake me up.

PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, IK I HAVEN'T UPDATED. I've been busy with helping my grandmother this summer because she is in a wheelchair and can't do most things by herself right now. She is emotionally unstable so I stay with her. Anyways I'll attempt to update again whenever an idea comes to me on how to continue one of my books. I love you all my little wolf cubs, howl at the moon for me😁

Cutie 137 out, Deuces❤✌

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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