Chapter 7: The Unexpected Mission Encounter?!

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Sorry for not updating I have been busy with family but now since we are back and im gonna get my friend to help me since I kept getting writers block so on with the Story! Previously on Mend My Broken Heart: They went on the mission not knowing WHO happened to be there..
Natsu's Pov.

Lissana and I were gonna go on a job today cause we needed money for food. We picked one that was in Sakura (is that where sabertooth is. Sorry if I get it wrong just correct me in the comments and tell me what it was called.) because it had the most money. I just normally say that's my reason for taking missions cause it's partly true. The other reason is because it keeps my mind off of Lucy. Dang how I miss her.

Lucy Pov.

Me and Gray are gonna go on the mission that requested for me today! I'm so excited but a little nervous. Why you may ask, the answer is simple: there could have been a creep wanting to do only god knows what to me or someone who wanted to kill me for some unknown reason. I feel better since Gray is with me. The only down side is that Sting decided he wanted to go too, but we needed him since they requested a normal dragon slayer.

Currently we are on the train because it would have been a 30 minuet walk and I just wanted to torture Sting since he wouldn't shut up.

Time skip~ at the destination ~

We are finally at the clients house and it was a freakin mansion even though the person got his or her money stolen! Something seems fishy and I'm not talking about the fish market down the street. We rang the doorbell and a girl with brownish red hair, purple eyes, tall and thin, big bust and butt, and a very familiar person this is but I can't put my finger on it. "Hey Lucy! I'm glad you could come. Who is your friend here?" Said the unknown woman. " Wait a minute... Meghan Blackwolf?! Is that you?! " "The one and only! Hehehhe. Come on in Lulu and have a seat along with your unknown friend here." We all go sit on the white fabricated leather couch and get the details. " So you will be working with a team in Fairy Tail. I'm sorry Lulu I didn't know until they had already accepted. When you called and we were talking it was already days after they excepted. All you have to do is defeat some bandits and 3 monsters that are guarding my money/treasure then you don't have to talk to Fairy Tail ever again." I had a petrified look on my face that said ' Oh Jesus save me I can't believe this is happening' so Gray started to rub my back to comfort me and it worked. There was a knock at the door and she let Fairy Tail in and it was 2 people I never wanted to see. Natsu and Lissana came in and sat down in front of us and Natsu had a look of shock on his face. Lissana gave me a look of discuss. When Meghan finished telling us the details until the door opened, revealing Sarah, my bestie since I was little and she is in the same guild as me! " Omg Sarah your here too?!! I'm so happy to see you!" " Hey Lulu! I'm glad to see you too. What are you here for, the job?" " Yeah Gray and I came here and excepted it.." She finished my sentence. " not knowing Fairy Tail was here?" " EXACTLY! Are you a mind reader?" " no I just know you very well Lucy. Hehehehe."

Natsu POV

Oh... My... God! WTF is with this place being filled with girls? Lucy looks as beautiful as ever though. Even though I have to say Meghan looks good but not better than her older sister. Her sister has way more curves than all the girls in here! She has shoulder length curly brown hair, mixed (black and white), tall, skinny, busty with a nice round.... Getting off topic here!!!! Point is she is beautiful. Even so I still miss Lucy and I want her back instead of being with Lisanna. Being with Lissana was a mistake because I thought I liked her even though I didn't. Lucy means the world to me and she is what made me wanna wake up everyday, so I can see her angelic face, her beautiful laugh and see her smile that lights up a room. But I was a dense idiot like everyone says since I let her slip out of my grasp. While I was deep in thought lissana shook me saying it was time to go and if I didn't listen she would explain on the way.

~Time skip to desired destination ~

Gray's pov.

When we finally got to our last beast we had to fight, Pinky didn't look concentrated on what we were doing but more like focused on Lucy. Oh well its not gonna do any harm to look but if he comes near her I will beat the crap outta him. The last monster was to tough for us to handle, MAYBE EVEN FOR ERZA! Lucy started to glow a pale blue and gold and her eyes had specks of gold in them. I didn't know what was going on but Lucy called me and whispered a plan in my ear. She told me to distract it while she attacks from behind on its neck where its weak spot is. I followed through and out of no where while I was distracting it a bright blue beam of light with golden looking spirals around it (sort of like Virgos whip when all the celestial spirits went crazy except this beam is bigger.) And it went straight through its neck! We all looked surprised when Lucy came up to me and said " Gray I have a question... When have I EVER been able to do that cause like that even shocked me." I simply laughed and said "Never. So I guess you gained a new power Lulu." She giggles and we walked out without Pinky and the suspicious Albino chick. The trip home was silent until.....

Lucy Pov.

The whole train ride was silent until Natsu asked me to talk in private in which I hesitantly agreed to and we walked to another empty part of the train. " Lucy I know that you may still hate me but I adleast wanted to apologize for hurting you emotionally and making you cry when I promised to keep you safe and never make you cry and yet I broke that promiss. Lucy I regret everything I have done wrong to you and I miss you back at the guild. You can continue hating me all you want because I deserve the guilt and pain like you had felt before. I just had to apologize before I didn't see you again for a long while." Lucy was completely confused weather to be angry that he realised that to late or to be shocked that he apologized and actually did the right thing. " Natsu you broke my heart, you cheated on me, let it go on for a long while, then you are just now realising what you've done wrong?! You really are the dense idiot I thought you were if you actually believe I, hmmmph!!" she was cut off as Natsu pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss that she couldn't escape from. He pulled away after a few moments. *SLAP* Lucy had slapped Natsu for kissing her when they both were dating other people. "How dare you?! I have a boyfriend.." At this time Gray and Lissana entered to see what was wrong. "And yet you kiss me just because you think it was okay?! Well it's not! I hate you Natsu Dragneel and always will! For breaking my heart, for kissing me, YOU KNEW I LOVED GRAY WITH ALL MY HEART AND THEN YOU DECIDE TO REEL ME BACK IN BY KISSING ME AND REMINDING ME OF OUR PAST! I DON'T WANT MY PAST THAT WAS WITH YOU! I WANT MY FUTURE WITH GRAY!!!" at that time Gray football tackled Natsu. "YOU KISSED MY GIRLFRIEND?!" He beats Natsu till he is unconscious while Lucy just drops to her knees crying and sobbing and apology to Gray for letting it happen. Gray walks over to Lucy and cups her face in her hands and says "Lucy you don't have to be sorry. I know what you said. I want a future with you too." With those words he pulled her into the most passionate kiss she ever felt, even more passionate than Natsu's, and she felt all of his feelings poured into that very breath taking kiss that felt as if it lasted forever. They slowly pulled away and he embraced her into a comforting hug. The conductor announced Sabertooth's stop and they both got off hand in hand walking to Gray's apartment. They spent the rest of the night kissing, cuddling, watching movies, and talking about their future and how they want it to go.
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Thanks for reading!! Cutie137 out, Deuces!

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