Chapter 11: Dreams and Tears

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Chapter 11- Losses and Gains-
Previously on Mend My Broken Heart:     
*Lucy's Pov*
I was in a heated make out session with Natsu. He was grabbing and gripping anything he could while I was rubbing every inch of his toned muscles when suddenly We both heard a banging on the door. Natsu muttered "Shit." before straightening out his clothes and leaving out the window. I did the same and answered the door. Gray was standing there with a pissed/upset look on his face. He stormed into my room looking for something and I guess he didn't find it. He looked relieved and then grabbed me into a hug. I pushed him away and that's when he looked like he was gonna cry. "Lucy I am so fucking sorry! I was shocked and..." "Did you sleep with her too while you were at it? I hope you had fun. Get out of my apartment. Now!" "Lucy I didn't sleep with her! I would never! I didn't even kiss her, she kissed me! I was in to much shock to do ANYTHING! So don't play that bullshit game with me when you know that I love you and only you!" by now she was in tears because he was yelling at her. He took notice to this very quickly and pulled her into a hug. "Lucy, I'm sorry for yelling. I also wanted to let you know that...."
Now: *Lucy's Pov*

It was hard to focus on what he was gonna say next. Tears were blurring my vision and my sobs and his voice were the only sounds you could hear in the room. "Lucy, I'm sorry for yelling. I also wanted to let you know that..." I jolted awake, feeling tears run down my face. Wait, that was a dream, it felt so realistic. It looks like I'm in Sabertooth's infirmary.
Suddenly all the events of last night hit me like an on coming truck. I remembered the pale woman with the blue curly hair kissed Gray, I cried while sitting in shock, Rouge came over and comforted me, and then... Everything went black. I must have passed out from stressing myself with all the crying last night. I slowly stepped upon the cold hardwood floor and made my way outside. I just watched everyone from the second floor. I could hear footsteps behind me and then someone grabbed my waist and dug their face into my neck. I saw little blond hairs from the guy's head who was hugging me and so I automatically knew it was Sting. I turned around and hugged him back, but I had a feeling we were being watched. I look back and I can see Gray looking shocked as ever, he runs up the stairs at neck breaking speed and grabs my arm pulling me into a warm yet cool embrace. I pull away from Gray and look him in the eyes.. That was until Sting decided to say something "Hey, I was hugging her first!" And so he pulled me back into his muscular arms and kept me away from Gray. " You don't even deserve to touch her after you made her cry! Hell, you don't even deserve to be with her. What kind of fiance kisses another woman?!" said Sting. Gray was now looking at the ground while his hair covered his face, silently crying because he knew sting was right. In a broken voice, Gray responded with " I know that I don't deserve her, but I can't stop myself from loving her. She is the best thing that ever happened to me..." With that Lucy walked over and hugged Gray and they both cried together. Sting respected her decision and went down stairs to hang out with rouge as usual. When Lucy calmed herself down she grabbed Gray's face and forced him to look her in the eyes. She wiped away his tears even though fresh tears started to cascade down upon his cheeks. Lucy asked him "Why? Why did you let her kiss you? Why didn't you do anything about it?! Why Gray? WHY?!" and with that she broke down again, falling to the floor as she let out a sorrowful cry. Gray picked her up by her waist and carried her back to the infirmary. "Lucy," he said with a broken voice " I love you, so much. I'm sorry that I didn't push her away but I was initially shocked that she would even try that in the first place. It was never my intention to hurt you Lucy. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being a bad boyfriend and I'm sorry for failing at being a loving fiance." with that being said, she crashed her lips against his in a passionate kiss. "Can we please stop fighting? I just wanna focus on the wedding, the sooner the better right?" said Gray. "Yeah... It would." replied Lucy.  Finally, they relaxed, lied down wrapped up in each other's arms, not worrying about the world around them or what is in store for tomorrow. All they notice is each other in that moment in time, as they fall asleep; escaping reality for the time being....
866 words in this chapter
PLEASE READ:  I'll try my hardest to update and this book, yes sadly, will be coming to an end. I will make another book after this one but it will probably be a very short book, even shorter than this one. After that yes I have ANOTHER book planned but I'm not telling y'all about that one yet. Anyways thank you all for reading
Cutie137 out, Dueces!

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