Chapter 3

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Thank you all so much for your lovely comments and votes, glad you like this! I don't have a worry in the world! ~

So, I HAD to dedicate this to @iwasborntoright because she gave me the song idea in this chapter! Thank you so much baby, it did really fit in with Zayn, describes him perfectly! So thank you, you deserve this:)x

P.s: The song that I used in this chapter is on the side, hope you like it! x



 As the bell rang to sense the end of school, I got up from my desk and slowly packed my things into my bag, trying to delay more and more time until I had to go to detention.

I walked out of the classroom, glancing at my Ancient History teacher who spat me a sour look as I left the room. No teachers really liked me, I didn't really know why, just like with the students. No one liked me..

But Mr. Zelnor was the worst. That man hated me. I sighed, knowing I'd have to sit with him for an hour before I could finally go home- Wait, scratch that, I'd much rather be here in detention that at home with dad. I physically shuddered at the thought.

As people shoved past me in the corridor, eager to get out of school and go to their perfect homes and live their perfect lives with their perfect families. Everything was fucking perfect for everyone but me, I was given the worst treatment. And why? I didn't know.

Was it because I was ugly? Because I'm fat? Because no one likes me? Because my mothers dead?

That women was the only one on this earth that liked me, and she got harshly taken away from me when I needed her most. I sighed at the thought, feeling myself tear up. No, I couldn't break, not now. That story was for another day.

I looked around the large hall self-consciously, pulling at my sleeve to cover my wrist more. I couldn't help but feel even more self conscious after that boy. His eyes were so intense, I felt like he could look right into me and see all my deepest darkest secrets, and damn, I had a lot of those, and I'm not willing to share any with anyone..

I swallowed thickly, pushing back the traumatising events. I peaked out from underneath my eyelashes at everyone shoving past me to get out of school and go home. Cool guys strutted with baseball jackets on, laughing their stupid jock laughs as they slung an arm around a tiny girl who was pinned to their side. Nerds walked huddled at the sides, discussing equations and sums. Groups of slutty bitches giggled and swore in small groups, all pulling at their leather skirts to make them shorter and applying more and more make-up to their caked up faces. Their hooker heeled shoes slapped against the cool tiled floor, making sure to stretch their legs so their bums were sticking out, their breasts doing the same. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

As I passed a group of those same bitches, one felt my presence and turned, her eyelashes fluttering, her chest stuck out as she plastered an awful smile on her lips. She obviously thought I was one big footballer jock with muscles and a killer smile, not know it was just me, the boy who never smiled, had no muscles and was a no one.

She still pushed her boobs right in my face, teetering on her heels like a hooker. She let out a girlish laugh, snorting. Pig.

"Bitch." I muttered as I tired to shove her boobs from my line of vision before I was sick all over them.

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