Chapter 26

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HELLOW ^-^ Saaarry, this took a while again, but I’m sick so I had to take a day off yesterday, SORRYSORRYSORRY! I hope you all still love me, even though I barley update and I loser. Yeah, so I finished off my plan of chapters for this, and if it turns out correctly, then there should be 7 chapters left, and an Epilogue. Yikes. This is dedicated to Di for being my rock. Thank you, and happy early birthday for Tuesday, my love<3 Oh! And thank you for all the lovely comments on the last chapter, I really loved them.

[And for all of you who queried, yes, it was Jonny Depp on the side. Mr Zelnor is Jonny Depp. I know, how? Because he looks just how I imagine Mr Zelnor.]


It was silent as an almost eerie breeze brushed past, shuffling the leafs and wilted grass that littered the drive way in the cold, autumn season. Never in my life, had me heart ever beat this fast, and I had to repeatedly swallow to make sure I wasn’t going to choke it out any time soon.

My dad was angry, no, furious, as he stood by his shiny, silver car, waiting for some form of explanation that would hopefully mean I wasn’t kissing Liam, but that couldn’t happen. He had seen it, we had both felt it, it had definitely happened, we had kissed.

But we didn’t make a move to speak, and at that, my father realised it was true, I, his worthless piece of shit he called a son, was in fact, a faggot too. Yeah, he always called me that cruel word, but he never actually thought I would be one.

His eyes hardened and his breaths came out thicker and angrier than ones of a bull, even. He took a few threatening paces to use, only a couple of meters from where we stood under the porch, now.

“Well?!” He fumed, sending a burning gaze to pin at me, to which I flinched at and bit back a whimper. “Are you going to fucking answer me? What the fuck is going on here?”

I opened my mouth, forcing myself to try and answer him and instead letting out a long thread of chocked cries and whimpers as I forced out several words, “It—it’s not what it looks like d-dad, I—I promise. Please,” I rasped, tears already slipping past their barricades and falling heavily down my cheeks.

He sneered evils and took a violent swipe of his hand towards me, seconds from clawing at the soft, porcelain skin on my cheek, but Liam, with cat-like reflexes sprung a strong hand out and caught my fathers, flicking it away from my face with a disgusted snarl.

My dad looked shocked, to see Liam had dared stand up to him, something I had never had the strength to do, but something Liam, a protector, could easily do, and it warmed my heart knowing he was doing this to protect me.

My father’s face seemed to redden more as he locked angry gazes at Liam, staring long and hard for a near ten seconds before looking quickly and snapped a dagger gaze to me, making more tears surface in my eyes and my bottom lip stuck out in emotion.

“Who the fuck is this clown, Zayn?” He asked me.

I swallowed, lifting a shaking hand up to my face and flicking a few rolling tears out of the corners of my eyes, “This is L—Liam,” I rasped softly, lowering my eyes slightly.

“Liam,” He spat with more venom on his tongue than I had ever heard before, “He’s that filthy faggot that took you back to his house after I made you sit out here in the cold.” He hissed, turning his glare on Liam, who didn’t seem the slightest bit affected.

“And your point is?” Liam asked calmly, surprising me, because, here I was, already sobbing, and Liam was as cool as a cucumber, as faggot-like as it sounded, as my father would probably say, “Of course I took him in. He was outside, in nothing but a thin shirt, freezing. If I had left him another hour he would have died that night. Unlike you, Mr Payne, I have a fucking heart.” He hissed, jabbing an accusing finger at my dad’s chest, who’s eyes widened to a large extent and he hissed out a swear word, not in pain, but in an over drive of anger.

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