Chapter 5

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Heyyy, boo's! Thanks for your beau comments on the last chapter, please keep them up and maybe increase the amount a bit if you can? It's make me super happy if I got even more comments telling me what you think!

IMPORTANT: I'm going to start dedicating chapters to my favourite comment. So unless I already have a dedication specially planned for the chapter, it will be dedicated to my favourite comment! And, on the last chapter, my favourite comment was by: @TheRoseCaptain which was really sweet and made me smile really big, so if you want a dedication, slip a nice comment and you might be in for a chance! Enjoy boo's! c: xxx



I'd woken up in surprise. I'd instantly felt not at home for numerous reasons The bed was immediately so comfortable and soft, and the scent in the room wasn't stale and cold, like it was in mine. I didn't feel the normal feeling of fear in the pit of my stomach whenever I woke up.

I was letting out small whimpers and cries, mewling like a kitten in pain. My eyes fluttered open, and I heard movement in the room. I uneasily tried to sit up, but ended up falling back own with my chest heaving as I coughed and spluttered under the pain.

Without moving another inch, I let my eyes scan across the room. My eyes widened when I noticed Liam leaning over the bed, close so me. I soon calmed and my face softened as I realized it was him. He smiled.

I reached out, like a little child trying to reach a toy, and stretched as far as I could. Liam smiled at my antics, and I could tell he resisted the urge to coo. He leaned closer over the bed to me and took my hands in his, letting my fingers fall perfectly between his.

I felt like I was in dream land, with Liam holding my hands, my thoughts clouded with a sudden bliss. But, I was tore from my happy place by a new sensation shooting through my body staright from my hands.

Sparks. They shot all the way through my body, making me tingle. In my shock of feeling this, I gasped and abruptly pulled away from Liam, shifting backwards so I was far away.

Before I knew it, I'd shuffled so far that I couldn't even feel the bed beneath me anymore. I fell to the floor with a soft thud, my hands instantly gipping onto the fluffy cream carpet in some form of comfort.

In less than seconds, Liam was around the side of the bed and kneeling in front of me, his face clouded with concern, his eyes wide and caring.

I almost flinched back. He cared? I zoned back in as he began to speak.

"Are you alright?!" He whisper-shouted.

I nodded, swallowing and not trusting my voice.

Liam sighed, glancing at me. "Where am I?" I whispered.

"My house. I-I hope you don't mind, I took you here after you fainted, we had to skip the last bit of school, but I figured it didnt matter all that much. My parents weren't in so it was the perfect opportunity to get you cleaned up." Liam explained, not taking his eyes off me once.

"Oh, o-okay. How-how did you get me out of school since I passed out?" I asked quietly.

Liam started at me oddly. "Uh, I carried you.." He told me as if ti was the most obvious thing in the world.

My eyebrows shot up. "How in the world did you manage that?!" I almost laughed. Yeah, Liam was strong and rather pumped, but even for him it's be hard to carry me, with all my extra weight I'm gaining recently.

Perfectly Imperfect ➳ Ziam AUWhere stories live. Discover now