Chapter 9

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Hey:) Like the new cover? I made it myself, I'm in love with it! Do you like my new name too? I felt it fit me more :)

I just want to shower each and every one of you in kisses and hugs, because your all amazing and sweet and utterly flawless. The comments, on the last chapter were so amazing, you've made me feel a million times better. You don't understand how close I was to doing something really stupid that I'd regret so much that night, since I was feeling so low of myself. But I read them, and you changed my mind, you stopped me from doing that. And I owe you my life for that, you don't know how much they meant. <3

Dedicated to (It was so hard, because they were all so sweet, but I eventually picked one out):- @realityruinedus because she left an amazing, utterly epic comment. She didn't do a sob story or anything, she just told me in the most awesome, straight out way, and it made me smile, and laugh, and I felt so happy at that point, thank you.

Special shout out to all of you who commented, each and everyone of you deserve a dedication but I'm sorry I cant do that, but your all amazing and flawless and perfect and I cant love you more than this. Ps: Song on the side is 'Leave Out All The Rest' by Linkin Park, it's what comes on in the car. :) (Sorry, this is so long, but I had to get this out there.) On with the chapter now!xo



I sat silently in the backseat of Harry's car, glancing out of the window every so often. He was taking me to his house. Niall was sat in the front, as Harry had driven him to school this morning so he didn't bring his car. He was going to Niall's first so Niall could get more clothes and night ware to stay at Harry's, after we'd go to mine to do the same.

 Liam was in his own car, and so were Louis and Josh. They too were going to their own houses and meeting up at Harry's. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I had no  idea what this was going to be like.

Harry and Niall made small talk, but eventually the car died down into an almost awkward silence. Niall, being the great guy he is, noticed this and leaned over,turning the radio on. I almost sighed a breath of relief, and I bet Harry was doing the same.

We had been driving for only a few minutes, and Harry was already almost at Niall's house. I didn't know where Niall lived, but I knew it was close to mine and Liam's house, since Liam lived only a street away from me, and Niall lived close to Liam. I had no idea where Harry, Louis or Josh lived, but I assumed it wasn't too far away.

After Niall fiddled around with the dials of the radio for a second, a song came blaring through, and Niall winced lightly, turning it down a few notches with an apologetic look. I ignored him, listening intently yo the song.

It was Linkin' Park, 'Leave Out All The Rest.' I loved this song, and I couldn't resist the urge to sing along, so I very quietly sang lightly along, trying to be unnoticed by Harry and Niall.

"I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared, 

But no one would listen, cause no one else cared.

After my dreaming, I woke with this fear,

What am I leaving, when I'm done here?

So if your asking me, I want you to know!

When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done,
Help me leave behind some, reasons to be missed!
Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty,
Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest,
Leave out all the rest.

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