Chapter 18

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Hey there. As you know, I was on holiday for 2 weeks previously, and I got back yesterday, so that's why I haven't updated, it wasn't in m hands, I physically couldn't update. But, I'm back, and I got right onto updating, all for you :) Enjoy....if you can, seeing as it's going to be VincexZayn action. yikes, good luck. you'll need it 'ox <3

Got hate on the last chapter. You might of seen it. It's the same person, doing it on all my stories. sigh. Dedication is going to be @skinnyloveB because she/he put a big smile on my face, and she deserves this :) Thanks for waiting!


I sat silently, as Vince drove. His car was quite disgusting, a small black one, block shaped car. The inside was just as dirty as the outside, empty bottles of beer littering the floor, old food packages, everything under the sea in the bottom of that car, and the smell wasn't much better.

I felt scared, at the most, as I wasted the figure of Liam slowly disappeared as we drove further and further away. I almost let out a whimper, as I pressed myself close to the door, as far away from him as I could be.

And, as much as I hated the feeling, I didn't want to be away from him. I hated having to be away from him.

So why am I pushing myself away?

"You know, Zayn." Vince said, startling me.  "The further away you sit from me now, the closer you'll be to me later." He hummed, and I shivered.

I didn't move though, too petrified to care what he thought. I heard him tsk, but finally left me to my thoughts.

I felt like an idiot, in some ways. Because if Liam hadn't of found out about my cuts, then this never would have happened. I would still have him, Harry and Niall here, protecting me. But just because I'm a stupid, defensive person, I had to push them all away, and isolate myself. And in doing this, I ended up in the situation I'm in now.

I shook my head. I had to be defensive, and I had to push them away. They'd already found out too much, and I wasn't used to telling people things and letting them in anyway. They were one more step away from finding out my last secret, possibly one of the worst; my father abusing me.

No. They could never find that out, it was the worst. If they found that out, who knew what they could do. They could tell anyone, the principal, the police, even social services...

"Hey! Fat ass, get out." The rough, unmistakable voice of Vince ordered.

Out of fear, I did what he said, getting up and quickly getting out the car, the door being held open by the horrid boy himself. It was uncharacteristic of him, to be so kind as to hold the door open for me, when he was usually so rude and demanding to me.

He slammed the door shut behind me, making me jump, and he smirked. I felt anger ignite in me, an emotion I'd only ever felt once before. And in both situations, Vince happened to be there, surprise, surprise.

I looked up, and finally took notice of where we were. It was a big block of flats, looking very run down. Each flat had one big window at the front, next to the door, and each window looked equally dirty. The brick work was cracked and uneven, and rubbish littered the floor. Old pizza boxes, cans and coffee cups sat on different steps leading up to the flat walk ways, the rusted black bars looking only seconds away from falling.

"Come on." He grumbled, grabbing onto the back of my jacket and yanking me along like I was a disruptive child.

His grip on me was tight, with no love. He seemed to realize this and pulled me close to him, putting his arm around me. I didn't fit under his arm as perfectly as I did with Liam.

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