Chapter 13

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DEDICATION OF THE CHAPTER: @_RaeRae ! Her comment was really, really special to me, because  she mentioned about how different it was to others, where Zayn is portrayed as a 'bad boy' and that's what I don't like. I could rant about it for hours, but I cant right now. Anyways, it was really nice and just made me smile, because I love it when people pick out that I write Zayn more vulnerable, and they like it, cause that's the way I portray Zayn, so thank you, again, for picking up on it, made me smile. :)

The song on the side, kind of relates to Zayn, when he's walking away... I'll give no more! Hope you like the chapter guys, and eeek, welcome drama! :D


My heart was hammering so hard in my chest, I almost couldn't breathe. I felt all my emotions run dry, except for one. Fear.

Fear, because Liam was staring at me now, expecting an explanation. Because he'd seen my cuts, and he was holding my wrist in the, now thick air, exposing them to us both. I felt my whole body quiver, and under his intense gaze, I felt under 2 feet tall.

He swallowed thickly, fiercely blinking his tears back, always being too strong to cry. I may have only known him for just over a month now, but there was one thing I knew. That Liam Payne never cried.

"Zayn." He whispered in a raspy tone, his voice strained as he almost pleaded, with his eyes, for me to laugh, tell him they were just drawings, not real cuts.

But who the fuck would believe that? With the fresh, new one still wide and obvious. I couldn't fool the most gullible of people with that shit.

I didn't say anything, still, the tension building like blocks being piled endlessly on top of each other. Our eyes were still locked, battling, almost, to say something. I tried to make a noise in the back of my throat, but I couldn't. I couldn't actually bring myself to say a word.

Liam's eyes frantically searched my own widened ones. I felt my hands shake, my body quiver, and my throat close up. My nerves were a wreck, and I suddenly felt the disgusting urge to throw up...

I couldn't get a word past my closed up throat, and I knew if I tried, I would end up chocking over sobs that were being juggled around my insides, threatening to break through and sound into the stale and tense air, or maybe even throwing up, all over Liam instead of speaking...


I snapped back into it as Liam's now wispy, faint voice, cracking once in his words, flouted into the air, echoing around my fuzzy head.

"Zayn--" He had to cut himself off as he swallowed, thickly. "Please, say something..." He finished, squeezing his eyes shut momentarily before flickering those bright brown, testing orbs open again, setting them on me, making me feel like his prey and he was a predator.

I swallowed, licking my lips and clearing my head. I was amazed, I didn't know what to do. I still couldn't get over that Liam saw. Liam saw my cuts...

I'd hidden them so well! I never let anyone see, and I was always so extra cautious in making sure I covered them up. I almost lifted my free hand to drag it through my hair in distress, because I knew I shouldn't have ever let my guard down.

It was Liam's fault. I nearly snorted, but just caught myself. I sounded like a Primary School student, telling tales! But, if Liam hadn't of came into my life, and made some of my walls start to crumble under his calming gaze, then I would have never dreamed about going out without my bracelets covering my scars!

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