Welcome to Lakewood

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Chapter One

"Oh my goodness!! Mom do you see this?!" I screamed excitedly before realizing I was alone in the car. "Oops." I muttered before I realized I was talking to myself again.

But how could I not? The house was absolutely stunning, How could I have not known my grandparent's had this amazing mansion?! As I pulled up to the house I could see my Mom already loading the house with all of our stuff. This was going to be a long day.

As soon as I got out of the car my Mom ran to me, engulfing me in a hug. I hugged her back inhaling her familiar scent of lavender and vanilla. The scent that helped me through my childhood and all the rough times we've been through.

"Wow I see how it is, just hug without me, it's okay." A voice called from the door and I turned to see my best friend Kaylee leaning on it in amusement.

"Kayiebear!!" I screamed as she laughed at my nickname for her. "Lanakins!" She screeched back opening her arms for a hug as I barreled into her.

I could hear my Mom laughing at us. "Oh come on girls, you act like you haven't seen each other in years, it's been 5 hours." She said referring to the car trip here.

Kaylee gave her a sheepish grin. "You know us, we're just overly dramatic." I nodded my head in agreement, one thing people should know is to not leave me and Kaylee in a room alone together. Crazy shit happens when we're alone.

We we're partners in crime and did everything together, that's why when my Mom figured out we were moving she asked Kaylee to come along. You see, Kaylee lived in a foster home and though the caretakers were nice people, she always felt as if there was something missing. But now I know she feels complete. She's told me at least a billion times since then.

My Mom adopted her and now we were officially sisters! We acted like twins anyways, so it worked. Besides our personalities, we looked nothing alike. Kaylee was a natural brunette and I was a blonde. I has green eyes, and she had blue eyes. Not to mention the fact that she was naturally tan and I was paler than porcelain, but it didn't really bother me. It came in handy when we went tanning, because I didn't burn! I didn't tan either, but that's beside the point.

Kaylee and I were roughly the same height at a short 5 foot 4, but we both loved our heights with a passion because it wasn't too short and it wasn't too tall. We'd still be able to get boyfriends. I snorted to myself, thinking how it seemed we were both stuck being permanently single.

"Liliana Rain!! Kaylee Beckers!! Don't just stand there! You better help." My Mom yelled a stern look on her face. I winced a little, whenever my Mom used our last names, it was serious.

"Coming!" I yelled as we both ran inside. The box I was holding fell to the ground as I stared at the house in shock. Sure the outside looked like a mansion, but I didn't think that it would look as awesome inside too!

Summer beach house is what came into mind when I took in the surrounding. Of course it made sense since we were living in Lakewood, a place known for pool parties and bonfires. The floors, were all hardwood and there was a spiral staircase made of mahogany, but painted the color cream.

The house was decked out with flat screens, stainless steel everything, and 5 bathrooms!! I didn't have to share anymore. I hated sharing bathrooms, there was just never enough space.

"Can I check upstairs?" I whispered in awe, taking in everything. It was just so surreal. I went from living in a tiny one story house to a huge 1,000 acre estate, with a tiny lake in the back all to ourselves. I couldn't love my grandparents anymore than I did right now for leaving me and my Mom this house.

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