Well I shot you in the butt, let's call it a tie?

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Chapter Fifteen

“Do you think that if I pretend that I’m sick, he’d just go away?” Kaylee mused to me as she messed with my hair in front of the vanity.

I scrunched my nose up in thought. “No way, Cameron has wanted this date since forever, there is no way that he’d go away. He’s in loveeeeee.”

Kaylee smacked me on the arm scowling. “Please do not talk about Cameron “loving” me. I have enough love from you and Mom as it is.” She said and I smiled inwardly when she said Mom. She really was accepting us as her family.

Getting up from the seat next to the vanity I pulled a casual but not too casual blouse over my head to pair with my faded blue jeans. Tyler may be a jerk, an extremely hot one at that, but he was not getting a skirt or even a dress from me. Nope take me or leave me. I had my fingers crossed that he would take one look at me and be a snot and leave for someone more “his” speed.

“You look too cute!!” Kaylee chided from across the closet as she pulled on one of my old band tee shirts and ripped jeans.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Shut up, I look sloppy. Now where are you guys going again?” I asked as she grabbed a brush and tried to untangle the knots in her hair.

“We’re going to that rock climbing place. I’m going to show his ass up.” She said, waving the brush for emphasis.

I snorted loudly. “You sure that’s the best idea?”

She scowled at me. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

I looked at her condescendingly and she flipped me off. I know that we were both thinking of the same thing. It was freshman year and Kaylee and I wanted to try something adventurous so we tried out rock climbing. Turned out we sucked and Kaylee ended up breaking the instructor’s arm by falling on him. It was not a fun time at all.

“I promise I’ll be careful. Besides, I think Cameron is trying to impress me and I got to shoot down the huge ego of his.”  She soothed while I just shook my head. Good luck to Cameron.

I had just finished applying lip gloss to my lips when the doorbell rang alerting me of a guest. “Crap!” I yelled to Kaylee as I ran over to my shoes, not even bothering to put it on as I ran out of the room hoping to make it to the door before my Mom. Who knew what she would say to him. She might actually make it sound like I enjoy his company. Oh ew.

“Be safe!! I put a knife in your purse!” Kaylee called after me laughing. Of course she put a knife in my purse, probably not the best idea if I was on a date with Tyler and I got annoyed with him. Let’s just say my hand might slip and accidently stab him.

“Lana your date is here!” My Mom hollered. Crap. I didn’t make it in time. This was not good.

Flying down the stairs I made it to the door to see my Mom shaking hands with a rather fancy looking Tyler. He was wearing a white button down with black pants with his brown hair swept away from his face. He looked good.

“Lana.” He said nodding at me like some formal monkey.

I had to hold my tongue from laughing at him. I nodded back at him and then turned to my Mom. “Okay, well we’re on a tight schedule so bye!!” I said grabbing Tyler by the wrist and trying to haul him out the door.

“Not so fast Missy, I was just getting to know this darling.” She said beaming at Tyler. I turned to her and glared, she thought I was dating DJ so why the heck was she praising Tyler like he was the best thing that ever happened to me since Pop tarts were invented?

“Lana went on tons of dates before we moved here.” My Mom said to him as if this was information he needed to know.

He smirked at me. “Did she now?” He taunted and I felt my hands itching to slap him in the face.

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