School Bound

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Chapter Six

“I’m thinking the lace tights with the shorts? Yeah or no?” I asked turning to Kaylee who was currently spinning around her closet like a ballerina. We couldn’t resist rocking out to music in her soundproof closet, talk about convenient. As the song ended she plopped down on her pink couch.

“I like it twin, it’s hella sexy.” She said winking making me laugh.  We were such pervs to each other sometimes it was crazy.

“Well don’t give me all the credit, look at you baby doll. You’re a walking magazine cover.” I said gesturing to her outfit. She was wearing a flowy white blouse with beading, tight jeans, and cute white sandals to top it off. All in all she looked gorgeous, without seeming like she was trying too hard.

“Thanks girl, I think DJ is going to like those shorts you’re wearing. That boy has no idea what’s coming for him.” She said smugly knowing she was right. I smiled and went to go look at myself in a mirror. I did look really nice.

I was wearing a You me at Six band tee shirt that went off the shoulder with short shorts that had black lace leggings under them. The pattern on the leggings were flowers and were sort of fishnet, on my feet were black converse.

My hair was in perfect blonde waves cascading down my back and Kaylee and I had done our makeup similar. I thought we looked pretty twinnie if people hadn’t met us before.

I had just grabbed my backpack when I heard a loud honking coming from downstairs. I snorted, that just had to be DJ. I followed Kaylee outside and jumped into the front seat smiling when I saw DJ.

He looked sexy as always with his bro tank that showed off his biceps and his tan shorts. I looked up to find him staring at me intently. I cleared my throat.

“Like what you see superstar?” I whispered at him. He smirked at me.

“Hell yes I do.” He said as he placed his hand on my thigh sending tingles throughout my body.

“This is going to be so fun.” Kaylee said from the back as she snuggled closer to her new “boyfriend”. Smiling happily at her, he placed her into his lap and pulled the seatbelt over her.

I rolled my eyes, that was illegal but whatever. Their lives. I looked out the window at the passing trees and listening to the radio for the rest of the drive there.

When we reached the school with DJ of course speeding way over the 15 mile speed limit, I noticed that the school was huge!! I probably should of expected it since we were in California where they thought the bigger the better. But hey Panther Valley High looked pretty sick.

“Parking spot!!” Warner yelled pointing to an empty spot in the front. “Score!!” DJ yelled back speeding even more as he drifted right into the parking space with me and Kaylee screaming the whole time.

After turning off the truck DJ turned to me with a smug expression on his face.  “Don’t you worry about my driving, I know what I’m doing.” He said winking, making me wonder if all he did was just drift in parking lots.

I snorted at him trying to cover my discomfort. “Whatever, I drive better than you, so next time I get the keys.” I said as I jumped out of the car.

As I got out I noticed almost everyone in the parking lot was staring at us. Yeah, we had just sped into the school like mad people, but that didn’t explain why they were still staring.

DJ jogged over to where I was standing with Kaylee and Warner trailing behind them. He smiled at me, all his beautiful white teeth showing. “I don’t think so baby, the only people that drive this car are me and Warner.” He said confidently.

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