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Chapter Four

“You’re cute when you’re angry.” He said poking me in the cheek. I ignored him and turned to look for Kaylee and Warner who were supposed to meet us in any minute.

“I like your hair long, it’s really sexy.” DJ continued grabbing some of my hair in between his fingers and twirling it.

“Don’t ever cut it or I’ll be really mad.” I didn’t even spare him a glance, instead focusing on the people coming in and out of the food court. Did they all have to stare? It was like they’d never seen a girl and guy out together before.

“Lana!!” Kaylee screamed at me coming out of nowhere. I raised my eyebrows at her in amusement.

“Did you lose Warner?” I asked confused before I saw him running our way, a pissed off expression on his face.

I turned to Kaylee and she just shrugged before noticing the awkward silence between me and DJ. She narrowed her eyes at him.

“What did you do?!” She asked placing her hands on her hips trying to look intimidating.

He ran his hand through his beautiful black hair frustrated. “ME?! I didn’t do anything! It’s Lily here that’s overreacting.”

I scoffed at him and flicked him in the nose. “Did you just flick him?” Warner asked as he caught up to us, amusement dripping in his words.

Kaylee giggled and Warner turned his attention to her. “You don’t deserve to be in my presence! Be gone!!” He said dramatically placing a hand on his heart in an overly embarrassing way.

DJ groaned. “Oh great so you two are fighting too?” He asked.

Kaylee opened her mouth to respond but Warner beat her too it. “Damn straight, this girl left me with all her shopping bags because she claimed that her “arms were too delicate” to be lifting heavy things.” He scoffed, adding air quotes in emphasis.

Kaylee tapped her foot impatiently and I turned to her. “It was Warner’s fault! He left me in Build-A-Bear because he wanted to go hit on girls! It took me 20 minutes to find him. I had to get him back, so what better way to do it then to make him go shopping with me AND leave him to put all the bags back in the truck. It was deserved.” She defended, putting her nose in the air and shooting Warner a hurt look.

I silently counted down the seconds before they would make up and sure enough Warner tackled her into a hug, knocking her over so that her back was on the table and he was on top of her, making it look like they were doing anything but an innocent hug.

I coughed loudly hoping they would get the hint but Kaylee was too busy nuzzling into Warner’s neck happily. I sighed, my friend was a weirdo.

“Well since they made up, does that mean I get a hug too?” DJ asked, opening his arms widely. I really wanted to run straight into those muscular arms of his, but I stopped myself.

“Apologize again for being a jerk.” I said standing my ground and fluttering my eyes at him, a move that I knew would make him cave.

He groaned loudly and moved closer to me so he could look into my eyes. It didn’t really work though because he had to bend down so much. Not my fault he was so tall!

“Liliana Aurora Rain I am truly sorry for saying that Scott is better than Stiles. I will never underestimate your passion for Teen Wolf ever again.” He said seriously and I couldn’t help it, I started laughing.

I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him to me. “Thanks DJ, just remember that if you ever insult my show again, I will knee you in the balls with no mercy.” I whispered and I felt him shiver from my closeness.

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