That Never Ending Night That No One Really Wants To Talk About

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Chapter Thirteen

I turn my head slowly, waiting to see who just caught me trying to jump the fence like a lunatic. Turning around I look only to see a 12 year old boy?

“Uhm hi?” I said feeling completely dumbstruck, I sure wasn’t expecting that.

“Seriously? You’re jumping my fence and all you can say is hi?” He said smartly, as he crossed his arms over his chest and glared. What a sassy kid.

“Where’s your Mommy and Daddy, I think I should be talking to them instead kid.” I said hoping that he would go get them and I could make a run for it.

“I live here by myself.” He stated proudly the gleam in his eyes daring me to object to what he was saying.

“But you’re like twelve.” I said causing him to glare at me again.

“I’m 13 for your information!!And I will not be offended on my property, now tell me what are you doing on my lawn?” He said. Was this kid for real? There was no way he owned this house, it was way too expensive and besides, he was only 13. Doesn’t that mean he had to have a legal guardian?

“My brother lives right over there.” He said pointing to Cameron’s house. Well shit.

“Oh haha well that’s great. So you don’t have any parents living with you?” I asked.

“No it’s just me and HEY where are you going?!” He yelled as I pulled myself over the fence. I smiled to myself triumphantly, that is until I turned around.

“Going somewhere?” Cameron asked as Kaylee looked at me helplessly as she tried to get out of the grip he had on her.

“Yeah I was, what the heck are you doing and why do you reek of peanut butter?” I asked as I kept my calm façade going. Though Cameron was no longer covered head to toe in peanut butter there were signs that he was, signs meaning he smelled strongly of it and that his usually spiked up hair now had bits of peanut butter in it.

“Are you really going to play dumb? Come with me.” He said as he trailed Kaylee along to the front door of the house, kicking it in with his foot.

I followed him in confused. “Why are you breaking into this little kid’s house?”

Just then the little kid ran into the house panting form exertion. “Cameron?! You caught them! The blonde one over there was trying to harass me!” He yelled pointing me.

I put my hands up in shock. “Excuse you? I was not trying to harass you!! I was just trying to jump the fence when you rudely interrupted me!!”  I yelled back as I took a seat next to Kaylee on the leather sofa Cameron set her on.

The little boy glared at me. “Interrupted you?! Hello, this is my house!!” He yelled back as Cameron stepped in between us.

“Carl shut up, this isn’t your house, this is the pool house and you for some reason insist to live here. And as for you two.” He said as he pointed to me and Kaylee. “What the heck is going on? I found Kaylee and the rest of the volleyball girls hiding behind a fence and then all of the sudden you jump over it? Did you throw peanut butter on me? Because I swear I’m going to kill you guys.” He said glaring.

“So Michelle and the girls escaped?” I whispered to Kaylee under the scrutinizing stare of Cameron.

She nodded her head at me. “Yeah, they’re going to go get help but I told them to finish the list first.” She whispered back.

“Stop whispering!! Are one of you going to answer me?!” Cameron asked waving his hand in front of us.

“Doesn’t this count as kidnapping?” I asked him as I watched the little boy curiously as he took the seat across from us.

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