Unexpected Developments? Hmm..

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Chapter Nine

“Okay ladies, tomorrow we have a school assembly, I expect all of you to be dressed in your jerseys and to be here early, all varsity sports will be represented. Dismissed, get some sleep and good work.” My coach said and I instantly turned to Kaylee and Michelle.

“Why the heck are we in an assembly, that’s just weird.” I stated. Kaylee snorted at me. I turned to her.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing babe, but you seem to be having short term memory loss. We’re not in the assembly, we just sit in the front to represent our sports, and it’s a rally assembly for tomorrow night’s game. “Kaylee said with a duh expression on her face,

Oh. Well that made sense. Tomorrow it was mandatory to go to the football game because apparently we needed to bond with the rest of the varsity team. That’s right, I made varsity. I was libero, Kaylee was setter, and Michelle was our beast outside hitter. We were going to be unstoppable on the court.

It had been a week since try outs and I couldn’t be happier. Things were going great with school and of course DJ. Except it seemed that he was being more protective then usual and I was starting to wonder if he had talked to a certain quarterback lately.

Two arms in circled my waist and a husky voice whispered in my ear. “Now what is a pretty little blonde like you doing all by yourself?” The unwanted voice of Tyler said. Damn, did he have a sexy voice.

I turned to him, looking unfazed. “I was just daydreaming about DJ when you came, now what do you want? I asked annoyed. He was in a dirty football jersey and some basketball shorts, and I could tell he knew he looked good.

“Well just wanted to see how my favorite girl was doing? What? No welcome back kiss for me?” He taunted and I slapped him on the arm making him wince.

“Damn, you can slap. Must be a volleyball player thing.” He said and I smirked at him.

“Anyways, I’m not just hear to perv on you, I was just going to ask you to do me a little favor.” He continued.

I huffed at him and wondered where the heck Kaylee and Michelle had went. Those losers, they totally ditched me. “What the heck do you want Tyler?” I asked.

He smirked. “I want you to wear my jersey tomorrow.”

“Why in the heck would I do that?” I asked angrily chugging my water. Stupid practice, we had conditioned for 2 hours straight, because apparently Coach thought we were too “unfit.”

He shrugged. “Cause what girl wouldn’t want to wear a guy’s football jersey?” Oh dang, he had got me there. It was true, I’ve always wanted to wear a jersey before, it made you seem important and you could smell like the boy and you could—“I take that as a yes?” He chuckled, obviously noticing that I was lost in thought.

I shook my head. “I don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate that.” I said not looking at him and drinking more water.

“Come on, DJ and me are tight, nothing is going to go down, I just wanna see your pretty little self in my clothes. Come on Lily, give me a chance.” I scowled at the nickname, before smoothing my face out into an innocent smile.

I gripped his bicep, letting my fingers trail down his arm. He watched me with interest. “I would wear your jersey….” I said seeing his eyes light up triumphantly, “But I got to wear mine. Sorry babe, better luck next time.” I said winking and sashaying out the door.

He groaned. “Seriously?! Wait to leave a man in a desperate time. And to pretend you were going to do it? Uncool!!”

I laughed and made my way to Michelle’s car. Messing with boys was just too fun.

“And put your hands up for the sexiest team of football players ever!! Woo” Meghan yelled dramatically through the bullhorn as the football players emerged from behind the bleachers.

“I love you Tyler!!” A girl yelled from the stands as she stood up so everyone could see her shirt, which indeed, said the same thing. I cringed. Well that must be embarrassing for her.

“Are they always like this?” Kaylee asked our team looking in disbelief as a group of shirtless guys stood up to display they were painted the school colors, black, teal, and silver. I groaned, teen spirit made me sick.

“Smile baby, all the boys are looking.” A husky voice whispered in my ear sending shivers throughout my body. I turned around to see DJ smiling wildly at me. The girls swooned while I rolled my eyes.

“No one is looking at me sweet thing besides you, and that’s the way it should be.” I said sweetly as I pulled him over to me so he could sit down. As he came over to me I caught sight of what he was wearing and had to restrain myself from swooning just like the rest of them.

He was in his lacrosse jersey that was tight against him and proudly displayed his muscles. Not to mention his jeans fit him just right as they hung on his hips. I swallowed hard and looked him in the eyes to see him smirking.

I turned away and cleared my throat. “What are you doing here?”

He shrugged. “This assembly is sort of mandatory you know.”

I punched him on the arm and he put his finger to my lips. “Shush, the cheerleaders are about to dance and I want to watch.” He said. I licked his finger and he pulled it away quickly glaring at me.

“Real mature Lily, real mature.” I shrugged and turned back to the center of the gym where the cheerleaders were indeed about to dance.

“Alright, before we begin. I would like to let you guys to know that we’re having a little fundraiser tonight.” Meghan, who of course was the head cheerleader, announced winking. There were hoots and catcalls from around the room.

“Take your pants off!!” An obnoxious soccer player yelled getting pats on the back from his teammates. I felt DJ rumble with laughter next to me and I pinched him on his thigh making him jump. I smiled in triumph. He stuck his tongue out.

“Anyways….”  Meghan drawled, seemingly unaffected by the sexist pig. She actually had the nerve to look pleased by the comment.

“I know you guys have always wondered what it would be like to date one of us.” She said flipping her hair getting more hoots as her friend Lake stood up. She was the co-captain.

“That’s why we are having an auction during half time, we will be auctioning off cheerleaders for dates!!” Lake said triumphantly waving her pom poms in the air like this was the best thing in the word.  The crowd erupted in cheers.

“That’s disgusting.” Michelle whispered and I nodded my head in agreement.

Meghan waved her hands in the air silencing the crowd. “Not only will the cheerleaders be auctioned off but so will the rest of the girls athletes. That’s right boys! The volleyball or basketball player you’ve been secretly pining for will be up for grabs!!” She said cheerily.

My eyes widened in shock, Kaylee and Michelle mirroring my face. “Well this is going to be interesting.” DJ said obviously amused.


“She said you and the lovely Kaylee are up for grabs.” Cameron said smirking as he passed by us. I turned to Kaylee and she stared back  at me in horror.

“Oh shit.” We whispered together. Oh shit indeed.

Oh snap!! You weren’t expecting that were yah?! Boom. Another chapter down. Whoop whoop. So I would just like to say that I love all of you guys that read my story and to look at my fancy new cover. I am so proud of it because it actually fits the screen.  I know, I was that lame that I didn’t know how to do it. But I’m learning. I know not a lot of DJ and Warner, but that’s okay. We got some Ty Ty time. Haha anyways sweet dreams lovebugs. Watch some Teen Wolf and listen to the heavenly sound of You me at Six. Mwah!!


P.s. Did anyone read Breathe by Abbi Glines? Asdfghjkl so good.

P.P.S. That my friends, on the side is a picture of Lana’s swanky room. Enjoy.

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