Game on

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Chapter Seven

Tyler’s POV

Have you ever had one of those feelings that this day was going to change the rest of your life? Well that was the feelings I was getting when I woke up today for school.

“You know princess, if I didn’t know any better; I’d think you were dreaming about me.” My smug best friend said as he watched me with amusement. I groaned and threw a pillow at him.

“Dude, not cool why the hell are you in my room?” I asked as Cameron got up and pretended to dust off his basketball shorts. “Well for your information, if I didn’t wake your royal ass up, you probably would of slept all through zero. And you know Coach would have your ass for it.”

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.  Of course that dumbass was right, being the quarterback, all though it had its quirks, like all the sex and popularity you wanted, sucked ass sometimes. Especially when you were forced to do zero even though you already had football practice EVERY day. Was that not enough?

“Shit. Fuck. Would it be that bad to skip?” I joked, only half kidding. He threw a pair of basketball shorts at my head. “Come on pussy, get dressed and get going. We’re not going to be late.” He said before closing my bedroom door and going downstairs, more than likely to eat all my food and hit on my Mom. Didn’t you just love best friends?

After putting on a pair of shorts and a muscle shirt I grabbed my football bag and was about to leave my room when I remembered my backpack. Shit. I almost forgot today was the first day of school. I groaned to myself. It’s not that I don’t like school, but it gets old after a while when everything stays the same. Girls pine after the football players, teachers give tests, I guess I was just waiting for someone to change the routine of high school we had going on and shake things up.

Maybe like a sexy as hell girl that wouldn’t be afraid to speak her mind and be different. God knew we needed more of those. Hell, I would date a volleyball player any day then all of those god awful cheerleader skanks we had at the school. Thinking of that reminded me of Meghan.

She acted like my girlfriend when I tried to talk to other girls, but when there were other guys around it’s like she never met me before. It didn’t bother me though, she was just more like a lay when I was lonely. I still couldn’t believe she ran those girls away from me and Cam though. What was her name again? Lana.

The name sounded like a mystery on my tongue, a mystery I wanted to unravel. Too bad Meghan ruined that. Crazy bitch. Sighing I went downstairs and sure enough, Cameron was flirting with my Mom.

“So Mrs. Berkley how exactly do you make these pancakes so fluffy. I wish I could cook like you, you have the hands of an angel.” Cameron said while stuffing his face with food. Pig. I smacked him on the back of the head before grabbing a pancake for myself and kissing my Mom goodbye.

When we got in the car I turned to glare at my best friend since 1st grade. “You have got to stop hitting on my Mom. It’s gross dude.” I said as we pulled out of my driveway.

“Awe fuck off man. You know she wants me.” He stated. I punched him in the stomach. “Too far bro, too far.”

Of course I would be late on the first day of school. Nothing like zero period to make your teachers hate your guts. I looked down at my schedule and ran in the direction of the class. As I was running I caught bits and pieces of conversation of two new girls.

“With the Dean twins…”

“I heard they moved into that big house..”

“Their Mom is throwing the winter ball.”

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