Tryouts and Rivals?

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Chapter Eight

“Can you guys stop eating your boyfriend’s faces so we can have an appropriate conversation and not just make me feel all lonely?” Michelle asked making me break apart from DJ. It was currently lunch time and I was sitting in DJ’s lap, Kaylee sitting in Warner’s.

I turned away from a breathless DJ and smiled at her. After the weird interrogation on DJ and Warner she turned out to actually be a good friend. “Yes Michelle? How may I help you?” I asked giggling as DJ stroked my thigh sending shivers throughout my body.

“Well are you going to try out for volleyball today? You seemed pretty interested when we were talking about it earlier.” She asked curiously, studiously ignoring all the eyes that were directed towards our table.

I looked over at Kaylee and she nodded. “Heck yes, we’ll be there. There is no way we’d miss it.” She said happily and Michelle nodded satisfied.

“That’s great. It’ll be nice to actually know people this year when I tryout. Like last year, everyone hated me. I guess it was because I spiked half of them in the face before.” I laughed. I couldn’t wait to see Michelle pummeling people to death with her awesome arm swing.

“Ooohhh volleyball tryouts, I think we might just have to watch that. What do you think Warner?” DJ asked looking at his twin.

Warner rubbed his chin like he was actually contemplating it. “Hmm well we did give the girls a ride here, it would only be proper to wait for them. Sigh, I guess we’re going to stay and watch volleyball tryouts.” He said trying to sound like he wasn’t enjoying the idea.

“Ugh your boyfriends are pigs. That’s probably why they never talked to girls before.” Michelle said shaking her head as she glared at a freshman girl that got a little too close to our table.

“Well you know what they say, the longer the wait, the longer the package.” Warner said smiling triumphantly moving towards DJ for a fist pump.

Kaylee glared at Warner, her face turning red. “That doesn’t even make sense.” She said and he just hugged her more tightly. “Yes it does babe, you’ll see soon.” He whispered in her ear suggestively. Too bad we could all hear it.

“Oh ew. Gross did not need to hear that.” Michelle said indignantly while I nodded in agreement. This was getting a little too pillow talkie for a lunch table.

“Anyways……” I said loudly taking the subject off Warner and his package. “A little birdie told me that you’re captain of the lacrosse team DJ, care to tell me why you didn’t tell me this when you’ve known I’ve wanted a lacrosse boyfriend ever since I first saw Teen Wolf?” I asked DJ as I hopped off his lap and onto the table so I could glare at him.

He gave me an annoyingly dimpled smile. “I wanted it to be a surprise. It would have sounded cocky if I told you I was, you know like I was showing off.” He said while he flexed his biceps.

I snorted. “You’re an idiot.” He shrugged and turned to Warner. “Well twin over here didn’t tell Kaylee that he’s captain of the basketball team. Interrogate him.”

Right on que, Kaylee turned to glare at Warner, hopping on to the table just like me. He groaned. “Seriously DJ, you couldn’t have put the heat on someone else?” DJ just smiled.

While Warner was begging for forgiveness, I let my eyes wander around the room. I had a feeling we were being watched and sure enough my eyes met with the two losers from the boardwalk. I glared at both of them, but it didn’t faze them. I should of known, nothing is more hard headed then a football player.

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