Meet the Dean brothers

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Chapter Three

"I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!" A voice screamed in my ear. I screamed like a banshee and tried to get up. My feet got stuck in the blankets wrapped around me and I fell to the floor with a loud thump.

"Ow." I groaned turning to glare at Kaylee who was still singing "The way" by Ariana Grande. If I wasn't so annoyed at being woken up I would have complimented her singing.

One of the things that no one knew about Kaylee is that she can sing with the best of them. I'm not even lying because I'm her best friend; she seriously had the best voice in the world and right now was sounding exactly like Ariana Grande. It was a shame that she wouldn't sing around anyone besides me and my Mom. That girl had talent.

"So are you going to just lie there?" She asked curiously gesturing to me with a smirk. I glared at her and threw a pillow that hit her smack in the face.

She ripped the blankets off me. "Get up Lana, we got to get ready. Dave and the boys will be here in an hour."

Sighing I got up off of my plush carpet and went downstairs for breakfast. When I got down there I saw that my Mom was making chocolate chip pancakes. My mood immediately brightened.

"Morning." She said when she saw me, placing a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Mourrfing." I said back, my mouth stuffed with pancakes. She rolled her eyes at me then looked at the clock.

"Oh I should get ready." She said making her way out of the kitchen. "Oh! And Dave told me that the boys offered to take you guys' school shopping so don't forget to say thank you."

When she left I rolled my eyes at her. Only she would be concerned for school, it was currently Saturday and we had one more day before we had to become the "new" kids of Lakewood High. Not that I minded, I've always wanted to go through the new girl thing. Plus it wouldn't be bad because I had Kaylee with me.

After finishing breakfast I rushed upstairs and threw on a pair of blue jean shorts and a white off the shoulder shirt that had the Sleeping with Sirens logo on it. I brushed out my way hair and ran over to Kaylee's room to find her painting her toe nails a red color.

She was wearing a black hoodie that said cool story bro and tiny cut off shorts. "A little hot for a sweatshirt, don't you think?" I asked.

She shrugged and returned to her toes. There was no arguing with Kaylee she wore what she wanted.

After a couple minutes of listening to music, the door rang and we both ran down the stairs to get it. Of course Mom beat us too it, smoothing down her beaded skirt she opened it.

She was immediately engulfed into a hug by Dave. She screamed like a child and I couldn't help but smile. Mom and Dave had been friends for the longest time that they're just so weird and comfortable together.

Setting Mom down, Dave ran to us and hugged us too, smooshing us into a group hug. "Missed you." Kaylee wheezed as he hugged tighter.

"Same here." I said out of breath.

"Hah, okay Dad, don't kill them." A manly voice said from behind us.

"Yeah save some love for us." Another voice said sarcastically.

Reluctantly Dave let go and we were face to face with the Dean Brothers. We all looked at each other with the same expression. Our jaws dropped and our eyes widened. Damn did they get hot!!

"What the hell happened!!" DJ yelled looking from me to Kaylee in a mixture of shock and awe.

"That's what I was thinking, you guys got hot." Warner said looking at both of us and wiggling his eyebrows.

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