Well I guess you can say we have no idea how to act in a hospital... Oops.

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Chapter Sixteen

“So what exactly happened?” I asked Kaylee as I pulled her away from the boys and into the hospital’s cafeteria.

Grabbing a cookie and taking a giant bite before giving the rest to me, she shrugged. “You don’t even want to know babe.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Oh heck no, I want to know every single detail, we’re in a freaking hospital for Pete’s sake.” I said through a mouth full of cookie.

She put her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. So I guess Warner and DJ were following us. I know he said that him and DJ just happened to be there, but I made the mistake of telling him where we were going beforehand. Totally should have took your advice and not have told him.” She said with an exaggerated hair flip before continuing her story.

“Anyways, so you know how bad at rock climbing I am right? Well I was feeling cocky so I was racing Cameron when my rope snapped and I fell bringing Cameron with me. I feel sort of bad because he covered the blow of the fall and I just landed on top of him. That’s when Warner came, he thought we were going to make out or something and that’s when he started to beat up Cameron….”

My eyes widened in disbelief. “Wait so Warner really gave Cameron a broken arm?” I asked unable to believe that the usually calm and collected Warner had that much pent up anger in him. But then again, Kaylee was involved and Warner is oddly possessive of her.

She snorted. “No way, I did that when I fell on him; Warner just didn’t help by adding a pretty nasty shiner and bruised ribs to the mix.”

I nodded my head in understanding. “I guess we found out one thing important today.”

“And what’s that my wise best friend??” She asked as we got up and started walking back to the hospital room. Hopefully the guys didn’t kill themselves while we were gone.

“That Warner gets jealous easily.” I said smiling evilly.

Kaylee smiled back at me. “I know!! Now that I think of it, that’s like adorable. He is so cute. I’m going to go find him and attack his face.” She said as she trotted into the hospital room.

I looked around suspiciously when I saw that all the guys were on opposite sides of the room, minus Cameron who was lying down in the hospital bed.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “What did you guys do?”

“He started it!” Tyler yelled from his side of the room.

“DID NOT!” DJ shouted from his side of the room.

“Yes you did!” Tyler shouted back.

I looked over to see why Warner wasn’t defending his twin’s honor only to see him lip locked with Kaylee. I definitely did not need to see that.

“Come on, can’t you do that somewhere else?” Cameron groaned from the bed obviously noticing Kaylee and Warner too. I grimaced, I actually sort of felt bad for the kid. Not only did he get beat up for supposedly hitting on Kaylee, now he had to watch them make out.

“You suck.” Tyler whispered to DJ who was flipping him off.

“You’ve got to be kidding me, you guys are still arguing? What the hell happened?” I asked cutting straight to the chase.

DJ pointed at Tyler looking more like a second grader tattling on someone than a teenager. “That douche was blaming Warner for the whole thing so I put him in his place.”

“I did not blame Warner!! I was just claiming that if you guys weren’t there my best friend wouldn’t have been in the hospital!” Tyler shouted back at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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