Their little plan

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Chapter Five

“So babe, are you ready for tomorrow?” Kaylee asked me as she grabbed another gummy worm from the bowl that was in between us.

“As ready as I’ll ever be, thank goodness I have you though. This would have really sucked you know.” I responded to her and she smiled happily at me agreeing.

“Good thing you have us too.” A voice said making me jump in surprise. I wasn’t the only one, Kaylee had grabbed the gummy worm bowl and hurled it in the direction of my bedroom door.

The bowl narrowly missed DJ and Warner by an inch and instead smacked into the wall. “Well that’s a rude way to greet someone.” Warner said smugly, obviously happy that him and DJ had scared us.

I scowled and ran over to punch DJ in the chest, who just chuckled at me. “If you wanted to touch me, you don’t need an excuse.” He said as he stroked my bare thigh making me aware of how little my shorts were.

He leaned in closer to me, his hand trailing up and landing softly on my butt. “You should wear these more often.” He murmured in my ear making me sigh in pleasure as I thought of all the things I would do to this boy if he continued touching me.

“Hey guys, sex later, talk now.” Warner said clearing his throat. I jumped back from DJ embarrassed, but he just smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me close to him. Cocky bastard.

“Want to explain why you guys are here?” Kaylee asked, still crouched in the corner she was hiding in when she threw the bowl at them. Warner smiled when he spotted her and sat down next to her before answering the question.

“Well we were thinking that since tomorrow was going to be your first day, you guys were obviously going to be really nervous.” He said and I just rolled my eyes at him, it couldn’t be that bad.

“You obviously haven’t met the people at our school if you’re rolling your eyes Lily.” Warner continued seriously with DJ nodding in agreement. “Anyways, before I was rudely interrupted by Lily’s negativity, I was just going to say that me and DJ have come up with a plan and you guys are going to go along with it whether you like it or not.”

“Well don’t keep us in suspense! Tell us what it is!!” Kaylee exclaimed into Warner’s ear. He laughed and looked at all of us. “Well we’re going to pick you guys up tomorrow, so be read at 7 tomorrow… And lastly, you guys just need to hang out with us the whole time, trust us.”

Me and Kaylee nodded our heads in agreement, unsure of why they thought this plan was so well thought out, we were probably going to hang out with them anyways. “Don’t give me that doubtful look Lily, this is going to work out, you’ll probably hear about it all tomorrow when you show up with us, then you’ll stop doubting.” Warner said shaking his head at me with a smirk on his lips.

I flipped him off and turned to DJ to realize he was quiet the whole time Warner was talking. He was still holding my waist, so I quickly slipped out of his hold so I could face him without being too close to him.

“Dress sexy tomorrow okay?” DJ said earning a smack on the chest from me. He chuckled at me.

“I’m serious babe, if you’re going to be with this sex God…” He gestured to himself. “You got to look the part. Well you always dress sexy, just dress a little sexier though, kay?” He said winking.

I growled at him in annoyance but he just ruffled my hair before looking at his watch. “We better go. We just came over to tell you that. Come on Warner.” He said.

Warner reluctantly detangled himself from Kaylee and after saying goodbye to me, exited the room. DJ was about to leave too, before he turned around. “And one more thing. If anyone asks, say you guys are dating us…” And with that he left.

I turned to Kaylee who just shrugged; she didn’t have any clue either. Boys were so weird sometimes.

I pounced back on the bed and looked over at her. “So what’s up with you and Warner?” I asked her curiously, even though the answer was obvious.

“What’s up with you and DJ she fired back.” I nodded at her, touché. “We’re just friends…” I replied, knowing how lame that sounded.

“Puhlease. I could practically feel the sexual tension rolling off of both of you guys when he touched your ass, which yes, I did see so no need to blush.” She said, even though she knew I couldn’t help the redness that was spreading like wildfire on my face.

“Well what about you and Warner huh?! He was practically dry humping you yesterday at the mall!” I yelled as she hit me with a pillow laughing.

“I don’t know about you Lana, but I am going to be using this dating thing as an excuse to do whatever I want with Warner.” She said wiggling her eyebrows before continuing. “I think that was their way of asking us out too without seeming too creepy since we just reconnected yesterday. I like it though. That means I can be possessive and no one can say shit.”

I giggled at my best friend, knowing she was right. DJ wanted to show other guys that I was his without actually being his yet. We had some serious catching up to do before we actually went out, but this way I wouldn’t have to worry of other girls trying to take him.

“I am so looking forward to tomorrow now. I think I’m going to mess with DJ a little, he thinks he’s in control too much.” I said mischievously.

“Oh dang, well this sounds interesting. What are you going to do you little vixen?” Kaylee asked winking.

Snuggling into my bed for the night I looked over at her with an evil grin on my face. “He’s not the only one who can play game.” I said simply before turning off the lights, a giant grin on my face as I thought of all the ways I was going to seduce DJ tomorrow without him even knowing I was toying with him. This was going to be a seriously amazing first day of school.

Eep soo excited to write about the school day tomorrow. I really like the idea of Lana seducing the crap out of DJ. That will be great. Oh and I'm sorry if you guys are getting confused about the Lana one moment and Lily the next thing. It's just a nickname that the boys use so I hope you don't mind!

Also, I haven't forgotten about Tyler and Cameron, believe me they will be making an appearance soon. Kiss kiss til next time.

P.s. Picture of Cameron on the side. Sorry the chapter was a little short, I just didn't want the school and the plan scene in the same chapter. Anyways....


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