[!] A Simpleton's Guide To Unique Bios

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All credit for the base template goes to: http://monochromacy.deviantart.com/art/Naruto-OC-Character-Info-Template-277704409


Name: Keep the name unique to the anime. It's unlikely that anyone's going to accept you being called "Miranda" or "Kylie" or "Sarah" simply because it's not common. Lying about your name or making a more cultural/general name will be better for you. Ex. Lee

Age: Depending on who you are and what your role is in the plot, your starting age will vary. I would personally suggest that the better your abilities, the older your character should be.

Species: Human. It's that simple. No cat-people, vampires, angels, ghosts, or supernatural creatures UNLESS you intend to make them fit the Narutoverse and apply ALL strengths and weaknesses. Wikipedia has tables for them.

Gender: Male, Female, Attack Helicopter.

I'm kidding. Any gender identity, though include biological sex if you do.

Sexual Orientation: Up to the character.

Blood Type: Up to the character.

Birthday: Up to the character. Try to stay away from sharing birthdays with A-List canon characters.

Personality: Let's start with this: Unless your character has bipolar disorder, the word 'but' shouldn't be used to contradict personality types. A personality is consistent, and it usually doesn't change drastically in a short span of time unless a tragedy happens. There should not be a "Bipolar" personality with "I'm happy but sometimes I'm dark" because "Sometimes" is utter shit.

Another thing you should avoid is dark protagonists. Why the hell is your character affiliated with a village or joining a team if they live to kill? Same goes for light antagonists. Happy-go-lucky swirly mask Tobi in the Akatsuki? No.

Good Trait(s): Consider balancing them with bad traits in a reasonable way.

Bad Trait(s): Consider balancing them with good traits in a reasonable way.

Like(s): Be reasonable and try not to include things that aren't common.

Dislike(s): Be reasonable and try not to include things that aren't common.

Hobby(ies): Again, be reasonable. Generally, you want to stick with something that you wouldn't share with everyone you know, unless you're flamboyant or something. Visual and Theatre arts are cool and all, but there's a 102% chance your character is a ninja, and they probably have no time for hobbies anyway.

Fear(s): Anything you want, but make it obvious in the story, not just "Ew, spider." Try not to list an actual canon character.

Strength(s): Balance it with the below. Try to pick one fighting style, one weapon, and/or one nature release. For every strength, there is an equal weakness.

Weakness(es): Balance it with the above. Try to pick one fighting style, one weapon, and/or one nature release. For every weakness, there is an equal strength.

Personal Quote: Be creative. Protecting 'this and that' isn't the only thing on everyone's mind.


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