[!] A Simpleton's Guide To A Unique Plot

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There is none.

I'm partially kidding.

So generally, I'm getting this vibe from too many people across multiple books. "Well gee, if my book sucks, why don't you write a better one?" I almost love seeing that because we're on a site where everyone has had at least one published book at some point in their lives.

My point is that 99% of the books I see can be described below:

[OC-Name that is basically the author's name or some other genetic ninja name] is [the host of a Jinchuriki/A member if this dead clan/The descendent of a canon character] that [came to Konoha/was born in Konoha/got magically transported into the Naruto world] and joins Team 7 to go on a spree if magical adventures that are basically plot insertions where the story skips 20% of the plot in order to focus on [OC] and his/her not-so-complex relationship with Sasuke Uchiha.

I mean, I thought we were above One Direction Fanfictions.

Guess not.

So I comprised some pointers you all get to look at again, similar and different to the last Simpleton's guide.

Note: This only applies to books that are intended to go through the canon plot. You should give no qualms about those beautiful OC x Not-Sasuke Stories that are 100x better than canon insert stories.

Utilize Build-a-Bio Workshop!

An OP bio leads to a shit story. Two things you should note are two things that will save you from a cliche plot:

1. A bio is an ENDGAME! This is why you never start a canon insert story with your bio. It's. An. Endgame. You want 4 different styles and your character to be a Jounin? Sure. They have to earn it first, though. I hate seeing 12 year olds with every chakra nature and master Katana usage. It's just not natural.

2. Never. Ever. Post. Your. Bio. In. The. Beginning. Of. Your. Book.

The Mary Sue Litmus Test Is Your Friend!

If you think your bio is fine, good. Test it. Google "Naruto Mary Sue Test" and you'll find a long wiki page where you can do this test. Everything is explained perfectly there.

Stay away from Team 7!

If you can truly twist the plot in a great way by being a part of Team 7, go for it. If not, stay away from Team 7. Here are two likable substitutes for that:

> Make a custom team (3 people, 1 Sensei)
> Join a separate team but have have an OC on each team so 5 people on a team seems more natural.

This whole "Oh, we have one extra student" thing is stupid as hell. I explained why a while back.

Side-stories and progression are key!

After the Chunnin Exams, I get bored if basically reading a person write out the plot for Naruto with an added character. Side stories and character progression are much more satisfying. "I trained" is never enough when it comes to character progression, and having a background plot like the Akatsuki that slowly builds it's presence is always good.


Use it.

The Academy is no pit stop!

Jesus Christ, EXPAND ON THE ACADEMY! Every OC I've ever known literally doesn't learn shit prior to joining a team and somehow does a Jutsu for passing the exam that they never even attempted before. Be in the academy for at least a school year before you randomly graduate.

Don't take lead role!

Being a character in Naruto is all about being a good support. Your OC is welcome to lead their own story arc, but your not allowed to surpass Sasuke or Naruto in plot importance.

Just a few suggestions.

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