[!] Stages of Naruto FF Writing

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Shoutout to @imchigon, who submitted this idea in a random chapter.
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Alright, so we all have probably read or written a Naruto fan fiction at some point in our lives. Hell, why are you reading this is you haven't? You're strange, go have a seat. Anyway, I looked over it a bit and decided to divide Naruto writers into 10 stages of writing.

1 | Wannabe Ninja

Stage 1 of writing. You have no boundaries, no limits, and no common sense. Your chapters are less than 300 words, your characters are the definition of a Mary Sue, and all of the canon characters want to marry you in an instant. They like you, even if you haven't even heard of them! You're a writing noob, no grammatical skills or literary refinement. You're terrible at writing and barely get reads.

Score Average: 7/100

2 | English Academy Student

You've learned, or you're starting to. Your work may not show it, but you have a basic understanding of what should and should not be in a Naruto Fan Fiction. You still question yourself, though. It's a bit sad. You tend to say something like "Two elements max? But I want all of them!" or "Don't fall in love with Sasuke? But my OC is gonna marry him!!"

Score Average: 13/100

3 | Trained Genin

You're getting there. You really are. You've covered the basics of plot, although your OC could use some work. You know when to insert yourself in a reasonable way, but don't push it too much. You take pride in your plot line and make sure there aren't any plot holes. Good work.

Score Average: 21/100

4 | Guide Master

You've grasped it! Kishimoto's plot! Character development is next for you, but your ready to make your own arc! You know when to insert yourself, you know what battles to fight, but your execution is still off. Onward, progression is key!

Score Average: 33/100

5 | Written Exam Master

You have it now! Your battles aren't just a page, they're a story! Your techniques aren't boring copies, they're advanced and complex combos! Your detail has gone from a blade of grass to a forest of trees! You're amazing!

Score Average: 45/100

6 | Skilled Chunin

SPREAD YOUR WINGS! You have your character dulled down a bit. You don't understand progression, no, but you do understand what is and is not OP! Amazing! Now you need to use that to your advantage! Go!

Score Average: 58/100

7 | Master Jounin

You get it now. You've come to terms with your OC. You know what's acceptable and what's not, and you understand more about character progression. You understand it all, now you need to apply it.

Score Average: 66/100

8 | Seal Writing Master

YOU GET IT! You have it all, your there now! Your length is still off, though. Timing is key, you're rushing far too much. Fighting Zabuza in one chapter and becoming a Chunnin in the next. Keep moving on!

Score Average: 79/100

9 | Exam Procter

You've done it now. You mastered the art of Naruto Fanfiction writing. Finish it off, make your story!

Score Average: 88/100

10 | Kamikage

1,000,000 views, 10,000 likes, 50,000 comments! Twitter is raving, tumblr is craving, Facebook has gone mad! You're a master now. A word from you is pure art! Only one can achieve such perfection! You're our gateway! Ikimashou!

Score Average: 97/100

Generic Naruto Fanfic MomentsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora