GNFM | 25 [Finale]

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Although many good books exist out there, nearly all Fanfics in the Naruto community are made by females between the ages of 13 and 18. How do I know that? Most of my readers are females between the ages if 13 and 18. Around 80% in gender and 60% in age. The rest are either older females or males in general.

These young writers are very avid Naruto fans and have seen it all before.

So yes, now that they've seen it, they want it.

They want it so bad.

So as my final GNFM and probably my last discussion topic as well, I present to you: 50 Ways a Naruto Fanfic can Turn Me Off.

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1. The cover looks like it was made with Microsoft Paint

2. The cover is basically just a cropped picture of some anime girl with long hair you can probably find as one of the first ten search results on Google

3. The OC identifies Naruto as their life story and reason for existing within the first two pages

4. The book starts with the OC watching Naruto on netflix, the place where only Pre-Timeskip Naruto is available as far as I know

5. The book starts with the OC watching Naruto on their TV, even though they don't live in Japan and you really won't find Naruto airing anywhere else but Toonami every Sunday morning

6. The OC blacks out and enters the Naruto world

7. The OC gets caught in a storm and suddenly gets transported into the Naruto world

8. The title of the book basically explains the first arc of the plot

9. The title of the book proves the author is some try-hard comedian

10. The OC wakes up and is almost instantly confronted by a supporting character or main character

11. The OC has never watched Naruto so they pull out their trusty, infinite battery iPhone 6s+ with full internet connection to watch the entire series in the span of a day without eating, drinking, sleeping, or using the bathroom

12. The OC gets taken to the Hokage without any restraints because she's just some "innocent-looking little girl"

13. The OC gets assigned to live with a canon character

14. The OC fools the Hokage somehow

15. The OC is some crazy teenage girl who acts completely out of order but doesn't show any fangasm when they come to the Naruto world

16. The OC starts their first day at the academy by using an advanced Jutsu even though they've never used chakra before

17. The OC does a Jutsu in general must by doing hand signs and saying a Jutsu name

18. The OC gets assigned to Team 7 because they just happen to have an extra student in that class, even though there's probably more than 20-30 kids in a village who are 12 years old and going to a ninja academy

19. The OC reveals themselves to be one of two things: The "Dark" type who acts like us random sadistic weebs, or the "Light" type who acts like us random crack-head weebs

20. The OC sings a song from the real world and claims it as their own

21. The OC sings a song from Naruto and claims it as their own

22. The OC eats breakfast when Kakashi tells them not to

23. The OC actually gets a bell in the bell test and doesn't take any visible damage in the process

24. The OC manages to 1v1 Kakashi and actually win

25. The OC specifically lives with Sasuke or Naruto

26. Despite it being a full class, the OC is put in the same class as the main characters

27. You can literally find out what episodes of Naruto the chapter covers just by looking at the table if contents

28. The OC justifies their abilities by their connection to Orochimaru

29. The OC notices the puddle (Zabuza Arc) and flings right into action when the Demon Brothers attack, even though they have never done anything mission related

30. A milk man isn't waiting in the stars on the first chapter

31. Dark/Brooding Canon Character x OC is already showing signs of being paired before the plot kicks into action

32. The OC helps Kakashi fight Zabuza, a high ranking ninja, without any previous combat experience

33. The OC is a supernatural creature

34. The OC is basically a world-known serial killer and isn't noticed waltzing into Konoha

35. The OC seems to be able to sense the presence of anyone and anything around them

36. The OC tells off Sakura in the first few chapters

37. The OC wins the fight against Haku

38. The OC claims to know Sasuke is alive after he's "killed" by Haku

39. The OC gets the bridge named after themselves

40. The plots barely started and everything is already focused around the OC

41. OC x Canon Character is generally happening before shit even gets to Zabuza and Haku.

42. NaruHina isn't canon

43. SasuSaku isn't canon

44. Sasuke gets insulted by the OC more than needed

45. The plot starts shaping to basically be the journey of an OC that acts like PTS Sakura and happens to have a bunch of abilities

46. The OC has a bijuu

47. The OC is 12 and has already mastered some type of Jutsu without us knowing how or when, unlike Naruto who mastered the Rasengan at 12 and had his progress overlooked

48. The OC is an adult with 0 ninja skills even though they're not an insert.

49. Grammar jumped out the window halfway through the book.

50. "I know it's trash but I promise the book gets better!"

Thank you all for every read this book has obtained. Your support is always appreciated, as well as your hysterical (and sometimes salty, like really salty) comments. I truly do appreciate you all! The experience over the past year has been amazing!

For now, though, that's a wrap on GNFM!

From The Best Narutard Alive,

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