DarkFang's Plot

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DarkFang slithered up onto his podium, then watched as DeathSong's army slithered into veiw. Her army included twilight beasts, DeathWings, and NightWings. DarkFang was in charge of the CorruptWings. Aulduin had the support of the wyverns and SquidWings.

"My fellow corrupted beasts!" DarkFang roared, grabbing their attention.

"The light is weak! We have the Circlet of Light! We must combine forces! Think of what we can do!"

"What is in it for, us?" Aulduin asked.

"You get all the things you've wanted." DarkFang said, forming a dark orb in his claws. "We shall be known as the DarkWings from here on out!"

"Well, why don't we use this to find our way to the first ambush?" DeathSong said, handing DarkFang the Obsidian Mirror.

"Where did-"

"A sand dune, am I easily fooled, I could scent the previous user's trail, but I decided to save it for last." DeathSong growled, smirking.

DarkFang whispered "Wildstar" then a plume of smoke shot from his jaws, and both Wildstar and WildSong appeared.

"Aulduin, fellow DarkWing." DarkFang began. "Send 50 Wyverns out now. We found them!"

Auldiun nodded to his warriors, and the Wyverns took off.

"The history of light and shadow WILL be written in their blood, not ourssss!" BlackSky hissed.

Soon, all of the DarkWings were chanting "blood".

'Our history will be written in their blood, especially since that scavenger Herobrine failed us!' DarkFang thought.

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