deadlox meets the wolfman! (sorta...)

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(Dont ask about the image, plz)

Ty looked around the forest, trying to find Everest. he heard a "whoosh" behind him, then shifted into his ender form.

"Who's there!?!" he called.

no response.

'maybe im just-'

before he had a chance to finish his thought, he felt something thick and slimy land in his hair.

"oh, shizz" Ty said, turning around.

he came face-to-face with a werewolf.

"ha, you don't scare me." ty said, laughing nervously.

the wolfman growled, then grabbed him by the shirt collar. Ty looked at his olive green eyes, and remembered Summit describing him.

"wait! Everest." Ty began.

The wolf froze, then put him down. Ty shifted out of his ender form, Everest did the same.

"Ty, do you know what I could've done to you if you hadn't revealed yourself by saying my name? I could've killed you! Then, Wildstar would've stuffed and mounted me, like she did with SwiftStrike, HardSkull, Quaker, Roanoke, Romania..." Everest said, trailing off.

"Dang! That girl has a problem!" Ty began, "I'm never gonna look at her the same ever again..."

"Hey! don't blame Wildstar for being grouchy all the time, blame the author!" Everest said. (Really, Everest, you REALLY want to start busting the fourth wall?)

"what?" Ty said, confused.

"Um, I said, um, blame her friends!" Everest said, trying his best to keep from breaking the fourth wall.

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