Brother vs Brother

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Akatosh slithered through the thick undergrowth of the passage that lead to the GhostWing tribe. He could hear something screaming, and he was pretty sure that Summit had heard it, since he was frantically charging towards the scene.

"stay low," Akatosh warned Summit, whom had just arrived.

Summit nodded, pulling out his Sniper rifle. Akatosh looked at him like he was not aware of the situation.

"for back-up!" Summit hissed.

Akatosh rolled his eyes and stalked towards the scene. He saw a familiar sight, and felt fire burning on his skin. It was,

"Arcane," Akatosh breathed.

somehow, Arcane had managed to hear Akatosh, and stopped strangling the GhostWing he had caught, then looked towards his older brother.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to finally step up to the plate, Akatosh!" Arcane roared, using his blood magic to send Akatosh flying towards a tree. Akatosh growled with pain as he got up, drinking a regeneration potion that had taken him two weeks to brew. 

"Only cowards use restoration to continue at life!" Arcane snarled, quickly shifting into a defensive position.

"Only a coward would use others to fight for him!" Akatosh shouted, punching Arcane hard in the jawline.

Arcane felt his jawline, and saw that it was bleeding. His blood-red eyes glowed even brighter with rage.

"You son of a-"

before Arcane could finish his sentence, Akatosh tackled him, then tried to bite at him, being a NightWing of course.

"Arcane, you've been a very cruel and cannibalistic man, and I can change that! Just please, join me, join us! Please brother." Akatosh said, loosening his grip. 

"Well, then, do you want to know something, brother?" Arcane said, pinning Akatosh down and leaning in close to a whisper. "I was the one who killed mother and father."

"You son of a (Bleep!)" Akatosh snarled.

Arcane suddenly grew to a height of 200ft and snatched Akatosh vigorously.

"Summit! Take the shot! Please" Akatosh rasped.


A loud gunshot was heard, and the bullet impacted with Arcane's right shoulder, causing him to drop Akatosh. Summit caught Akatosh, then made a dash for the GhostWing tribe.

"I will kill you Akatosh! And your friends too!" Arcane called after them.

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