Sin City

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(Sorry I had to skip a bit from How to Change a Spark! Forgive meh!)

Wildstar looked through the dunes and straight at the burnt or half-destroyed buildings and sighed.

"Aulduin and Corrupt must be here somewhere..." Wildstar breathed.

She looked at her friends, then at the buildings.

"Scavengers, spread out and look for survivors! Me, the SkyWings, the SandWings, and the IceWings will drive 'em out! You all now have execute authority." Wildstar barked, shooing off the humans.

"Since when are we 'scavengers'?" Sky questioned.

Wildstar snarled, snapping at Sky and missing him on purposely. Sky darted after the other humans, and Wildstar darted into the city. As if on cue, Wyverns began attacking the small army. Wildstar snarled, lashing her spiked tail. She snatched one of the wyverns out of the air, crushing it's bones with her massive eagle-style jaws.

Wildstar saw Taiga out of the corner of her eye, same with Aulduin.

"Taiga!!" Wildstar barked. 

It took her only five seconds to realize her and her friends were penned in Demotric Barriers. She tried to break the barrier, but was zapped by the barrier.

'Souvernguarde, give Taiga the strength to defeat the monster that devours worlds!' Wildstar thought, praying for Taiga, whom yet would probably NOT have a flawless victory.

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