Wildstar's New Scar

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Wildstar walked down to where TY and Adam were, and saw that the two men were wrestling with eachother.

"Well, I'm gonna "get the others", okay?" Taiga said, winking.

Wildstar nodded, then WildSong came scampering towards her, panting and a worried look on her face.

"Wildstar, Venom's in trouble!" WildSong hissed.

"Sorry to interrupt, but, me and my sister have, "private" things to deal with." Wildstar announced, winking with her dead eye. (Yeah, Wildstar has a dead eye, but not IRL me though!)

No one paid attention. 

'Typical' Wildstar thought, following WildSong.

(Le Time Skip)

Wildstar gasped when she saw how many Wyverns were attacking Venom, BlackWidow, and Velocity. DeadLocked was cornered by a few SquidWings, but made quick work of them. Venom spat at a few wyverns, taking out only 10. Wildstar shifted into her dragon form, then snapped at each one, taking them out. By the time all of the Wyverns were dead, Wildstar noticed that there was blood dripping from her muzzle. She now was scarred across both eyes, but still had a dead eye.

"How will I ever explain this?" Wildstar breathed.

"Thanks, alpha Wildstar, they had us cornered. If you and WildSong hadn't shown up, we would've been in Souvernguarde!" Venom said, slithering off into the trees.

The others followed, but Wildstar and WildSong stayed.

"Well, you're gonna have to find something to blame..." WildSong said.

The two dragonets thought for a moment, then said "bear attack" in unison.

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