Zapper Plants and Black Magic

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Taiga paced around the bed that Wildstar was resting in. Only two days until the plant would be of no use. Turns out animus beasts and other sources of magic could prepare the plant, and only could they do so.

"Taiga, it's ready, but we have to do it outside since it's storming. The concoction will work best during a storm." Minda said.

"Anything else?" Taiga asked.

"Everest disappeared. The only thing we found was tracks, that turned into dog tracks." Kyoto said.

"We'll worry about that later, come on." Taiga said, picking up Wildstar.

'She needs to gain a few pounds, she's as skinny as a rail!' Taiga thought, carrying Wildstar outside.


Corrupt looked at Wildstar's corpse as Taiga carried it outside. The DarkWing's bloody eyes gazed at Taiga, and stared at his true form.

"Well then, why don't we re-awaken the true Taiga Pineclaw, after all, he's still unstable." Corrupt hissed, summing up all of his magika.

He hit Taiga's back, square in the spine as the 13 1/2 year-old put Wildstar down.

'Perfect.' Corrupt thought, slithering back towards the darkest part of the forest where he could take off.

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