f r e a k

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I instantly hung up, got on my shoes, and ran.

"Where are you going?" Calum asked.

I ran to him quickly and kissed his cheek.

"Going to the hospital."


"You know you love it."

He looked at me disgusted, and I laughed.

"Be back soon, babe."


I closed the door and walked to my car.


I ran to Leigh's room, and I swung open the door. The lights were off.


I heard crying.


I walked towards the corner of the room, and I picked her up. I sat on her bed with her on my lap.

I looked into her eyes, and wiped her wet cheeks.

"What's wrong, love?"

"I-I can't take it anymore!"

"You want to leave?"

She nodded. God, she looked so scared.

"What happened?"

"They hurt me Michael, they hurt me and I can't stop them."

"What do you mean..?"

"They get there tools and medicines, but they dont use them right, they use it to hurt me."

I let het cry into my chest, and I wondered what she mean't by 'they hurt me'.

She looked up at me with sadness. I stared into her deep brown eyes, and saw that she was terrified.

"Please explain to me what they do."

She looked down, and a tear fell on her hand.

"It's worst than abuse."

I nodded for her to go on.

"The doctor..h-he touches me..and then the nurses give me medicine to make me go to sleep...when I wake up..I feel so violated..then I see my arms, covered in bruises and cuts... it hurts so badly! If I complain about how bad they hurt, they laugh and slap me. Sometimes I wake up naked..and I am scared..."

I was mortified. I can't believe they do this..

I stormed out, and walked to the front counter.

"Can I please speak to my daughter's doctor?"


"Leigh Rose Hood.."

She typed something and then clicked. She told me,

"Dr. Rouse."

I nodded and walked to his office.

"Your a fucking sick monster!"

"Excuse me?"

"You fucking raped my daughter you sick badstard!"

"I would never!"

"Don't fucking lie to me!"

He motioned for me to sit. I sat down and tapped my foot.

"Allow me to explain..."

"What do you need to explain?! That you like to rape children?!"

"Your daughter has a mental disorder, she takes scenarios and her imagination turns it into something else, while we operate on her, her mind makes her think that we are torturing her. It's normal for a child with that kind of disease to be terrified."

He was right. It was all her imagination. I just don't want to believe him.

"I am giving you one more chance to tell the fucking truth!"

"Mr. Clifford, I can assure you that neither I or my assistants have raped or abused you child."

I sighed and nodded. I left the room, and walked out of the hospital, without even saying goodbye to Leigh. Because I knew the doctor was right, Leigh wasn't normal, and I knew that from day 1. She always seemed off, but I thought that was a good thing. I was wrong, and I don't want to admit it, but my daughter is a freak.



ok, so I know you probably hate michael rn...but...actually, i have no excuse, michael is being a douchebag rn and i am not going to deny it.


btw this is unedited so...

bye xx

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