b e s t c h o i c e

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one month later

Michael sat in his room with Ashton lying next to him.

Michael began to tear up at the thought of Leigh.

"Things will get better...eventually.." Ashton spoke.

"Ashton, we have gone through this multiple times... I think I know what we have to do. Leigh has been in pain FAR too long, I just... I don't want her to suffer any longer.." Michael reasoned.

Ashton began to cry, because he knew Michael was right. Leigh was in the same situation she has been in for a while, and no parent wants there kid to suffer for this long.

Michael stood up, and dragged his feet to the bathroom to wash up. Ashton was still trying to think about what they will do for Leigh. They brought her to multiple hospitals, but as usual, no one helped. Leigh has been in her room taking 6 pills a day.

Ashton decided they had one choice that was the best.

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