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Luke's POV

I walked in, and saw Ashton sitting on the couch. He looked sad, and I knew why.

"What should I do, Luke?", he asked.

I sighed, and sat next to him.

"Look Ash, it needs to be done.", I said. "This tour is important, and our fans are counting on us."

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Can't we just get a babysitter?", he asked with hope.

I looked at my feet, feeling guilty that I think this tour is more important than her.

"Babysitter's are for 1-2 nights, not 5 months.", I said, trying not to cry at the thought of losing Leigh.

He hugged me, and cried. I have only seen Ash cry twice. He only cries when something seriously wrong happens.

The first time, we were on the plane and he cried because he missed his family, and he is the father figure for his brother, because....you know. The second time, we finished our first real concert. And this time, we are returning Leigh.

I never thought I would be the one to say this, but we need to return Leigh. She gets stressed a lot, and bringing her on the tour would stress her out more than ever.

"We can drop her off a day before the tour, we can tell her that it is her first day of school.", I said.

Ashton pulled away, and looked at me like I was a monster.

"That's awful!", he shouted.

"Well what the fuck do you want me to do?!", I yelled back.

He got up angrily.

"You can go fuck yourself is what you can do.", he said, obviously mad.

He stormed off to the hallway of the hotel, and slammed the door shut.

We had to rent out a hotel for us to live at. Ashton and I share a room. Calum and Michael share a room, and Mali and Leigh share a room. Ashton has been upset about returning Leigh, so he has gone to Cal and Mikey's room at least 14 times these past 2 days. He gets upset when I explain to him that Leigh can't stay with us. Ash and I haven't told Cal and Mike about it yet, but we did tell Mali, and ever since, she hasn't spoken to Ashton or I. She has been spending lots of time with Leigh, though. Going to the spa, going shopping, getting haircuts, and going to festivals. I don't want to return her, but we have to.

I lie on my bed, and it hit me. There might be a way to keep Leigh. There is one person who owes me a favor.




So I just wrote this chapter because I am bored and I am late on posting. There is actually a lot going on right now in my life, so stayed home today.

thank you ALL for the votes, comments, and views. I NEVER thought this story would get near 2k views, and I know it isn't 3m, but I am SOOO thankful for the views I have!

Lots of love❤️

xx bella

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