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Calum's POV

"What do you mean..?"

He sighed.

"Leigh must have had a seizure while we were out of the room-"


He looked at me with an aggravated expression. Does he know who I am?

"Mr. Hood, your daughter had a fairly bad seizure. We walked in and saw a bit of blood-"

"She's on her period?"

By now the doctor looked like he was going to punch me in the face.

"Erm, no. She had blood coming out of her mouth. She must have been violently shaking, because her hand has a slice on it. We fixed her up, but she will have to stay another night, just incase she has a more intense seizure."

I nodded, and walked out. Luke followed me.

I hopped into the car, and told Ashton that Leigh has to stay another night. Luke sat in the passenger seat, and we drove home.



Calum walked in looking extremely sad.

"You okay, mate?"

He shrugged and went up to his room.

I turned to Michael, who was on his phone.

"What do you think is up with Calum?"

He looked at me and shrugged.

"Maybe something happened to Leigh."

I bit my lip, and played with my fingers.

"I hope she is ok."

"Don't we all...."

Michael looked back at his phone, and scrolled through pictures of different hair colors. He stopped at one, and showed me.

It was a lilac color.

"What about this?"

I was confused.

"What about that?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Should I dye my hair this color?"

I looked at the picture more, trying to imagine it on him.

"I think it looks rad."

He smiled, then called someone.

"Lou?" I mouthed to him.

He nodded.

(M-Michael L-Lou A-Ashton)

M: Hey!

L: Hey! What can I do for you?

M: I was thinking of dying my hair again.

L: Ok, what color?

M: Like a lilac color.

L: Ok *writing noise*, do you want any highlights or shades?

M: Hmm..I guess a darker color at the base of my hair, so it looks cooler.

L: Sounds great!

A: Can you say hi to her for me?

M: Ashton says hi.

L: *giggles* Tell him I said ew.

M: She said ew.

A: Tell her that she smells like mayonnaise.

M: Ash says you smells like mayo.

L: Oh my god! Mayo stinks so bad.

M: He knows.

L: *scoffs* Anything else I can do?

M: Can you convince Luke to dye his hair black? That would be hot.

L: I can try. Is there some muke action happening?

M: You know I'm muke af.

L: *snorts* Ok, well if thats all, then bye!

M: Bye!

*hangs up*

Michael's POV

"What did you say about Luke's hair?"

I smiled.

"He should dye it black."

"Well, no one can convince him, so you should just put hair dye in his shampoo."

I thought about it.

"Well, I don't know if that will work. He will get suspicious that the shampoo is black, and he might not leave it in his hair long enough."

"Are you kidding me? He's really gullible, he will just think the black means it is fancier, and that kid takes 20 minute showers, it will soak in."

I nodded, and ran to the door. I grabbed the keys, got in the car, and turned on the radio.

"Mama Mia, here I go again, my my, how can I resist you?"

I sang along all the way to the store.


I had to stop the story before it got too long. I am going to update more, because I'm working on another story🎉


bye ilysm!! xx

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