h o m e

892 32 16


pls play music

Leigh's POV

I walked into a place I like to call home. I smelled the very familiar smell of dust and Lysol. I looked at Luke, who gave me the biggest smile.

"How does it feel to be back?"

"It feels amazing."

I walked into the kitchen, and was greeted by Michael.

"Hey! Look who's back!"

He gave me a huge hug. Calum walked in.

"Hey Leigh! Glad you're back!"

I gave him a smile.

"Ashton should be back in a minute, he just went to pick up something for lunch."

I nodded, and went into my room. I stepped in, took a deep breath, and flopped onto my bed. I miss laying on a comfortable mattress. The hospital one was cold, hard, and springy.

I walked to my closet, and changed my clothes. I wore black shorts, a shirt with "Green Day" written on it, and I put on a bit of lipgloss.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I sat on the couch, and saw that my phone had a few notifications. I logged onto Instagram.

"100 likes 6,000 followers 40 comments"

I smiled, and went through a few. I went on something called "snapchat" and saw that someone named "Cal" had a red button next to their name. I tapped on the red thing, and instantly a picture popped up. (picture above^^) I wanted to send one back, but I didn't know how to. I shrugged, and walked to Michael's room. I love him so much and I missed him more than I should have.

I opened his door, and saw him on his bed.


"Oh! Hey."

He patted down a spot next to him. I sat down, and hugged him.

"You ok?"

I nodded, and let him out of my grip.

"You sure?"

I nodded again.

"Ok, because if something is happening, let me know."

I picked up my phone, and showed him snapchat.

"How do I work this?"

He gave me a quick tutorial, then added himself to it.

He sent me a snap that said,


with a blurry picture of him.


I covered my mouth, so that I would not laugh. I put on a straightface, and looked him.

"You're an idiot."

He rolled his eyes, and tackled me onto the bed.

"Get off of me!"


"I-I can't breathe!"

Suddenly his eyes widened, and he quickly got off of me. He lifted my back, so that I was sitting up straight.

"Are you ok?!"

I had this strange feeling. What was happening? He had this fear in his eyes once he thought I was getting hurt by him.

"Yeah-Yeah, I'm ok....are you ok?"

He nodded.

"Don't worry about me, I just don't want to hurt you.."

(I love reading this kind've stuff in their voices, because IT'S SO CUTE)

I sat closer to him, and he layed back. I put my head on his chest, and he played with my hair.

"I love you Leigh."

I couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too."

We stayed like this for an hour, then he got up to pee.

I walked to Luke's room. I saw Ashton sitting on the end, laughing about something Luke said.

"Hey Leigh!" said Ashton.

I ran to him and hugged him. He swung me around, then brought my feet back onto the ground.

"I have a surpise for you Leigh!"

"What is it?"

Luke smiled.

"You, Leigh Hood, are going to a summer camp for a whole week!"

I felt dizzy, I don't want this, I was happy staying here all day. I guess because I gained 10 pounds, they think I am gaining too much, but on google, it said 72 pounds was below average body weight for a 13 year old...


Luke looked confused.

"I figured you could make some friends! You've been spending a lot of time with us, which probably bores the hell out of you."

I started hyperventilating, then...I blacked out.


A/N SORRY THAT SHE KEEPS PASSING OUT, but hey! at least she isn't crying every chapter! If you have ANY suggestions for this story, PLEASE tell me.

bye xx

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