t h o u g h t s

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I woke up, and turned to the person lying next to me.

L: Morning Mikey

M: Good morning Luke

L: I'm so ready to get out of here.

M: Luke! We're doing this for Leigh!

L: Yeah, but it's really boring. Why are we even here? Can't the doctors just watch her?

M: Are you serious right now? I hope you're joking.

L: Okay, but you have to admit that this is boring.

M: Did you expect this to be entertaining? Watching your daughter suffer from a mental illness isn't exactly an amusement park.

L: You don't have to be such a dick.

M: I'M being a dick? Why don't you take a look in the mirror Luke?

L: You've changed.

M: I'VE changed? WOWWWWWW

L: I should probably leave then, I'm obviously not wanted here...

M: Ok, but tbh you sound like one of those annoying ass girls from a movie ngl.

Luke left the room angrily, and Calum woke up.

"What's up with him?" he asked in a scratchy voice.

"He's just being a bitch." I replied.

Calum sat up, and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"Are you ready to head back?" he asked.

"No..." I said.

"Well I am." he said while standing up.

"What's up with everyone wanting to leave?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"I'm staying." Ashton whispered, trying to remain quiet for Leigh.

"When did you wake up?" I asked.

"Mmm...a little bit before you and Luke started fighting." he said while checking his Twitter.

"So you heard him?" I asked while picking my nose.

"Yeah, and-why are you picking your nose?" Ashton stared.

"Because I want to." I said sassily.

"Well stOP IT." he demanded.


"*sigh* Anyway, Luke will probably go to that Halloween party with Calum anyway." Ashton said.

"Ugh, I hate Halloween parties." I groaned.

"I don't particularly care for them either, but you know."

Calum put on his shoes and left.

"Well I guess that leaves us with Leigh, want some coffee or anything while I'm up?" Ashton offered.

"No, I'm good." I responded.

"Good, because I wasn't going to get you anything anyway." he said in his '75 year old asshole' voice.

I laughed, and he giggled on his way out.

I stood up, and walked over to Leigh's bed. She looked so peaceful when she slept. Leigh slowly began breathing heavy, then the monitor started beeping. She started gasping for air, and I watched in shock. Her oxygen mask started blowing air, and she got her breathing levels back.

It's so frightening to see your child like this. It's even scarier to not know what she is thinking or feeling. I sometimes wish that I could just understand what she is going through, so that I could try helping her. But in reality, our thoughts are normally kept to ourselves through a wall in our minds that locks up our emotions and keeps them in there until it pops. I often find myself thinking of these kinds of things when I am alone, and when it gets quiet. Sometimes quiet is violent, and sometimes to stay alive, you have to kill your mind. (sick TOP reference)


I typed this whole chapter on my laptop and it took me about 3 days because I type faster(ish) on my iPod, which is where I usually write these.

Also I have been feeling very grateful lately, I mean yeah I still get sad and stuff sometimes, but for the most part, I've been really happy and things in my life have been going really well lately:)

also srry it's so spaced out i just thought it was kool so

bye xx

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