g i r l f r i e n d

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I had promised Leigh that I would introduce her to the lady I had been seeing, but Leigh doesn't quite understand that 'dating' doesn't always mean you are in a relationship with one person. Dating is just basically me trying to find the perfect girl for me. The bad part about this is that many social media sites have taken pictures of me and these women, and now everyone thinks I'm in a serious relationship with them, even if I'm not. But this time, I think I found the one for me. I think I'm finally ready to show her to Leigh.

I called Sammy.

C: Hey

S: Hey, what's up?

C: I was wondering if you would like to come to my house to meet my kid, and the rest of my family.

S: Wait, kid?

C: It's a long story, and I'd be happy to explain it to you at my house.

S: So will I be meeting your mom and dad?

C: No, just my child and the rest of her dads...-1 dad

S: Wait what?! Other dads?

C: It sounds a lot weirder when I say it out loud...but trust me, it's normal.

S: Ok..sure. I'll go.

C: Great! I'll pick you up at 5:00

S: See you then.

*call ends*

I love Sammy so much. Her voice is the perfect mixture of rasp and smoothness. Her hair is a beautiful blonde. Her freckles spread gorgeously on her nose and cheeks. Her eyes are blue with green on the outer part. She's just so beautiful to me. I can't wait for Leigh to meet her.

(5 hours later)

Glass was shattered everywhere. Blood dripped from Leigh's throat, and all I could do was kneel next to her and tell her she will be okay. Bringing Sammy was a mistake...

ok guys, so i skipped a huge portion and that portion will be in the NEXT chapter >:) im evil i know

so in order to see what will happen........

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