Last Chapter

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~A.N~ Sigh.... Hey guys, this is the last chapter. Hope you guys like it. Well, Here it goes. Oh, and I added an ending song :) I don't own it, Clochettedanette13 edited this wonderful video :))

~Raku's POV~

We headed back to school to inform our friends that chitoge's flight to america got canceled. Shuu planned to celebrate and have a party. All of them agreed. Including me, of course. 

~Onodera's POV~

"Why did you do that..?" Ruri-chan asked me. We were at Ichijou-kun's place. Everyone was having fun. Chitoge-chan was talking with tsugumi-san and the others. While maiko-kun was talking with ichijou-kun. I looked at ruri-chan and retorted "Do what?" I smiled. 

She sighed and made a "Don't act dumb face". "I saw everything. Ichijou-kun confessed to you didn't he? Well, you confessed also, but... Why did you let him chase chitoge-chan? you could've had him...." she glanced at ichijou-kun then to me again. "I... Only wanted you to be happy. But instead, I forced you to him, and only hurt you. I thought I was doing the right thing. Well..." She patted my back.

"As long as you're happy, it's ok with me.... But ARE you happy with the way things are?" she inquired with her usual stern face. "Yeah. I don't want to be selfish. After seeing chitoge-chan being considerate of me, she even got hurt, but decided to ignore it so I can have ichijou-kun" I smiled.

Ruri-chan's eyes widened and glanced at chitoge-chan. "She... Did that...?" then her usual stern face came back. I nodded. "I felt guilty watching my friend getting hurt. She loves ichijou-kun more than I do. And she's a good friend. That's why, I've decided, I'll be repaying chitoge-chan, by supporting her".

Ruri-chan smiled at me. "You probably don't know, but you're a good friend too. That's why chitoge-chan did that. She did it for you. Because she knows you're a good friend" I smiled at ruri-chan "Thank you. But chitoge-chan deserves ichijou-kun". We both then looked at ichijou-kun.

~Raku's POV ~

Everything was back to normal now. Chitoge isn't avoiding me anymore. I realized what I feel about her. As for hana-san (Chitoge's mom) she approved of chitoge staying in japan. And to repay her back, I work my butt off every christmas so that she can spend time with chitoge. Well she is pretty busy. So I take over her every christmas.

 A year later, both chitoge and I went to the same university. Actually, all of us. Shu, Ruri, onodera, tachibana and tsugumi of course. Thanks to chitoge, tsugumi went in college. Well she still works for beehive.

"Hey, Darling!" Chitoge called out to me. "Sorry for making you wait!" she added. "Oh, no. I just got here. I just finished my class" I smiled. "Let's go home now" She just nodded. I held her hand, our fingers intertwining. She and I both blushed. Well, we can't help it.

"I can't believe it. We started in a false love. But ended up loving each other for real" She uttered. She smiled at me and held my hand tighter, but not too tight. She stopped walking which made me stop too. "I love you raku" she said. I smiled at her and went closer. I put my hand on her cheek and slowly leaned at her until our lips met. She closed her eyes and I followed.

She held the back of my neck. After a few moments, I pulled away. "I love you too" I uttered. I then hugged her and she hugged me back. "Hey. Raku, when we have a child... wh-what name will you give him or her?" she asked. "Wow, We're not even married yet and you're planning about the name of a child already." I chuckled.

"Sh-shut up. Just answer. You are my fiance anyway" She blushed. I smiled at her. I pulled away from the hug then gave her my answer. "Hiroshi". Her eyes widened. Then she smiled at the name "Yeah. Let's go with that." We started to walk again. This time my arm was around her shoulder, while her arm was around my waist. 

"You know, if we didn't meet hiroshi, you would be in america now. And I'll just realize my feelings for you now. I'm glad, we helped him" I grinned at her. She smiled at me "Well you are a dumb beansprout". She giggled. "And also, It was the best babysitting job we ever did. Without a paycheck." She started to giggle again. "Yeah" I smiled looking at the sky.

I used to think babysitting was a burden. But... To think that the child you're taking care of would make you happy... He wasn't my son, but he made me feel like he really was. He made me experience a parents life.

"But even without hiroshi, I would still realize my feelings for you. Just not sooner" I chuckled too.

I looked at chitoge again. "Being a babysitter's nice. But being a parent is better.... Do you want to be?" I smiled at her. She looked at me in shock and didn't reply for a few seconds. She smiled at me and blushed. "Sure" she uttered before giving me a peck on the cheek. 

"Heh. For a gorilla you sure are meek" I joked. "Hey!" she punched me in the arm. "Well you call me beansprout" And we both chuckled......

Chitoge was right. To think that we started off from a nisekoi, but became real lovers at the end. Sounds funny, yet romantic at the same time.... Some say that it was love at first sight. But it was actually a hate at first sight. But little did we know, our feelings slowly, developed. From being fake lovers, to becoming friends, and to becoming actual lovers.

I looked at chitoge and smiled. She did the same. And we both muttered the word "I love you" to each other at the same time, and we laughed together. Nisekoi huh.... I chuckled in my thought. 'I sure made good memories in high school.... No... I made the best memory I could ever remember'.  I smiled.


~A.N.~ hey guys, thanks so much for 1k views! and for the 100 votes :) I really appreciate it! I love you guys :)) I changed what raku said 'cause I think it's just wrong on basing his relationship with chitoge on hiroshi. He says if he hadn't come, and stuff like that. So I made him say something else, and state that even without these circumstances, he would still love chitoge. Or so it's what I think he's saying.... But anyway, I hope you guys liked it. And oh, Should I try making another nisekoi? What do you guys think? Leave a comment ;)


I'm thankful that some of you guys still read this and I'm really grateful for every vote and comments appreciating this fanfic--however cringey it may be haha x)!! as an excuse for my cheesiness, I made this when I was 12 lol (I'm 18 as of now, 2020). Anyways, you all stay safe and drink yo' water!! God bless!

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