Chapter 15(Picnic)

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OMG I'm so sorry! I've been on vacation for the past week and didn't have the time to sit down and write! I hope this makes up for the lack of chapters updated and I will update again as soon as I can! Thanks so much for reding it means the world to me that people enjoy this story!

On with the chapter


Naru POV

"Naru! The flowers here are beautiful! It feels so good to be outside." Mai took a breath in deeply and sighed. "Thanks for taking me out here. You really didn't have to, I could have come by myself." I don't think she understands the seriousness of the situation. She's being targeted by a killer, she can't go anywhere by herself intel this is all settled and taken care of.

"I'm glad that you invited me out here Mai. It's a beautiful day."

"Let's invite everyone out here and we can all have lunch. But I first want to change out of this gown. I look ridiculous." She laughed.

"You look fine. Take a look around you, tons of people are out her in there gowns so why should you go and change?"

"Your right. I just feel uncomfortable just wearing this. It's also a little cold so I rather put on a sweater of something." I took off my suit jacket and put it around her shoulders and slid her arms in. She looked surprised and tried to take it off but I kneeled in front of her.

"Don't take it off. You said you were cold so please take my jacket." She looked down at her hands and started to fiddle with her thumbs.

"Can I ask you a question?" She looked up at my eyes and smiled. I sat down on the grass beside her and nodded.

"Of course you can."

"What are we?" Taken back I gave her a confused look. "I mean relationship wise. I've been kinda confused what we are to each other." I smiled.

"I hope you know that I love you Mai and that one day I want to make you mine."

"Honestly Naru. I like you a lot and want to be with you, I've wanted to be with you for a while now but was just to afraid to say anything. I love you Naru. I know that the last two weeks have been stressful on you. I can see it. And I'm so sorry for that. I'm so grateful that you care for me so much. I love you Naru and you mean the world to me." A small tear feel from her eyes and I slowly whipped it away from her face.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that." She started to cry more and I just kept whipping away the tears. I leaned up and kissed her wet cheeks. Picking her up from her wheel chair I placed her on my lap. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She reopened them and looked at me, she wrapped her arm around my neck and kissed me. I of course kissed back. "I love you Mai."

"I love you Naru" she let go and we both laid back into the gardens. "I'm going to stay with you till all this is done and that guy sent to jail?"

"Yes. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that you weren't next to me." She started to giggle.

"Monk said the same thing when I asked him about it. Should we go get the others so we can have lunch?"

"I'll give Monk a call and tell him to bring down the food." After ringing up Monk we both leaned back onto the soft grass.

"Naru?" I glanced towards her way and nodded.

"Why did you pick me? Like you could of had any other girl. You have the looks, your smart and can be kind, stern, you literally have it all."

"That's a ridicules question. You say I have all these qualities, well what about you? Your kind, beautiful, funny, your not afraid to face something head on and I admire that. I could have any other girl but I don't want another girl. I want the girl sitting in front of me in a hospital gown and a IV drip (the doctors put the drip back in)" she started to tear up. "There's no need to tear up Mai. It was all the truth."

"T-that's why I'm c-crying" she choked out "no one has e-ever said anything like that t-too me" she leaned in and hugged my torso and put her head on my shoulder. "Thanks N-Naru"

"I'm not even going to sugar coat this. Mai? Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes. Yes of course. But are you sure? I don't want to be a pain to you. I mean right now I'm in the hospital, I'm don't want to be a reliability to you Naru."

"You will never be a reliability to me Mai. I would love you know matter what. If you were in a coma I would sit by your side till you woke up. If you had cancer I would find a cure. You mean the world to me and I know this is totally out of character for me but this is how I really feel."

"I would do the same thing Naru. Thank you. I love you."

"What's up love birds!? I come baring food!" Monk screamed walking towards us.

"Hi monk! This is perfect! We can all have a a lunch outside together!" We all sat down in a circle while monk passed out the meals.

"Ok. Mai, Susie said that you could have white rice and miso soup."

"That's great! As long as it's not that disgusting mushy stuff they serve here." He chuckled a bit. "Then here you are my dear!"

"Thank you good sir!" She giggled.

Trapped In A Cycle (A Ghost Hunt fan fiction) Naru X MaiWhere stories live. Discover now