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We were getting back on tour tonight. I enjoyed this short break and I honestly needed it. Me and Mia spent quality time together and I was happy about that.

"I'll miss you darling" I said, holding her tight in front of the gate.

"Two months... Louis you have no idea how long those two months will be for me" she said, holding me tight.

"Look at me" I said, lifting her head up a bit. "I will call you every day and I will think about you a lot. I promise that I will see you soon."

She softly kissed me on the lips.

"Okay Louis. We're strong anyway and I trust you" she said. I couldn't help smiling. She was so beautiful.

"They're calling my flight now baby girl." I said, kissing her cheek. "I promise I will see you really soon."

She gave me a long and passionate kiss and I left to jump on the plane.

To be honest, I was quite anxious about seeing the boys again. Actually, I was anxious about seeing Harry again. We haven't talked since that night when we was drunk and I had no idea how he was going to act around me.

I really did not want to lose a friend like him.

When the plane finally arrived in the states, I got off and got to the hotel in less than 2 hours. Niall had already checked in so I knocked on his door.

"Lou!" he said giving me a hug. "Missed ya mate. Come in I was just playing Fifa. Come play against me"

"Sure thing my lad. I missed ya too" I said, taking the remote. "How was Ireland?"

"Sick. As always. It's the best country ever. Want some pizza? I just got one delivered!" he said, his mouth already full.

"You still haven't stopped eating" I said, laughing.

"Never will I !" he said as someone knocked on the door. It was Zayn and Liam.

"Hi boys" I said. "Come in, we're playing Fifa!"

"Missed ya big boy" Zayn said, holding me in his arms. "Had fun with your girlfriend?"

"Yes it was lovely" I winked. "Have you guys seen Hazza?"

"Paul told me he already checked in but he's still in his room" Liam said.

"Could anyone go get him?" I asked, knowing damn well that if I was the one going to get him, he wouldn't come.

"I'll take care of that Louis" Zayn said, leaving to Harry's room.

"What happened between you two guys?" Niall asked.

"Nothing important Nialler. Oh goaaaaaallll" I stood up and screamed, glad I could change the subject!

"Oh that was a pretty lucky goal Tommo." he said, laughing.

At the same moment, Harry arrived in the room and sat as far away from me as he possibly could. He didn't even look at me.

"Hi boys" he slowly said. "Glad to be back"

An awkward silence filled the room.

"Hi Hazza" Niall answered. "How you doing?"

"Fine thanks. Ireland was still as beautiful as when you left?"

"Even better" Niall answered with his usual smile.

"Anyone wants a beer? I'll go get some downstairs if you'd like." I asked.

"Sure Tommo!" Niall said. "If you were a girl I'd marry you!"

Harry stared at him for a while.

"You and your beer Nialler" Liam said. "Grab one for me and Zayn please."

"Not for me" Harry said.

"Sure I'll be back soon"

I went to the lobby and got 5 beers. Why five you'd ask? Because usually, Harry doesn't say no to a beer. That's fucked up.

I went back upstairs and got in Niall's room.

"A beer for everyone!" I said, sitting next to Harry. Everyone took one and started playing Fifa again, except Harry.

"I don't want one" he said.

"Take it" I gave him the beer. He put it on the ground without even looking at me. "You going to ignore me forever or what?" he still did not answer. "Harry, don't play that game with me."

"I'm the one playing games now?" he strictly said.

"God damn Harry please stop this. I just want to have a good time with my best friend" I whispered. "Let's put that aside for a while. These feelings are ruining us."

He stared at me straight into the eyes. I saw this horrible pain in his green eyes and it totally killed me inside. Without even thinking, I took him in my arms and hugged him tight.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered. "It's breaking me to see you that way" I said, meaning every word.

He did not answer. He didn't have to. He just kept holding me tight against him, and that meant everything.

At that moment, I knew that no matter what, he wasn't going to let me go.

Not yet.

My Boyfriend is Gay (Larry Stylinson)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin