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It's been three days. Three days since I've talked to my boyfriend. It might seem like nothing to you, but three days is a long time when it means breaking promises. He promised to call and text, he hasn't.

Not even a simple goodnight. Nothing at all.

I miss him. I know that he's probably busy with his job, but a text takes about 5 seconds to write and send. To me, being busy isn't a reason.

I might sound like a desperate and crazy girlfriend ; I'm not. I swear I'm not. Long distance relationships are hard and this is way harder than what I first expected. I love Louis and i will never let him go. I just wish he was able to take some time to just care for me while he's away...

-I love you- I texted, without even thinking about it. I just wanted to hear from him a bit. My phone vibrated right after.

-Me too-

That was his answer. Two words which didn't even look sincere. Didn't even bother ask about how I was feeling, what I was doing...

I feel like our love is fading away and I have no idea why. Everything was just so perfect and now, he's getting more and more distant. I need to do something about that.

I'll save us.


We got off stage and arrived at the hotel soon after. The boys wanted to hang out a bit so we invited people over. Niall invited almost all of them since he's always talking to everyone he meets.

We all grabbed a beer and sat down. Honestly, I was tired as fuck and didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't have to, Niall was doing all the job.

Harry wasn't there. He hadn't talk to me since our last fight, three days earlier. He was ignoring me and it was pissing me off. Somehow, I could understand why.

"Hey Tommo, let's play a game. Beer pong or something?" Niall asked, knowing that I was feeling like total crap.

"Thanks mate but I'm too tired for that" I answered, staying well seated on the couch.

"Please my lad. I need you on my team!" he said in his thick irish accent. At the same moment, someone entered the room.

"Hey there boys" Harry said, holding someone by the waist. Who the fuck was she.

"Hazza!" Niall said, running to him. "I'm glad you're there! Pleasure to meet ya" he said, shaking hands with that blondie next to him.

"Here's Vicky, I met her yesterday in the lobby. She's quite lovely" he said, his eyes locking with mine.

"Oh nice to meet you Vicky, I'm Niall" he smiled.

"I know who you are" she laughed. "Pleasure to meet you Niall" she said in that fucked up accent. I couldn't care less about where it's from. She held on to Harry's arm as they sat on a couch, right next to mine.

"Hi Louis" he said for the first time since three days. He had that arrogant smirk on his face. I didn't quite know what he was trying to do, but somehow it worked. I felt a huge weight on my chest and I tried to hide it.

This fucking girl put his hand on Harry's leg as she kissed his cheek softly. She was kinda fit, but I wanted to rip her head off for some reason.

Then the worst happened. He looked at me straight into the eyes and kissed her right on the lips, his eyes still locked with mine. She kissed him back twice as hard.

I couldn't blame her. She had no idea that this kiss was hurting someone to death. He knew. He didn't even care.

I stood up, kicked the table in front of me and left. Niall ran after me.

"Louis!" he screamed, trying to stop me from leaving.

"Go away Niall" I said, pushing him away softly. "I want to be alone."

"Listen to me. I know that it wasn't the right thing to do. Harry feels bad about this situation and he doesn't know how to deal with this. He's trying to make you feel as bad as he's feeling right now and you know it's-"

"How the fuck do you know this? Who told you about us?" I exploded, getting to my room, my escape.

"Oh come on Louis, I'm not blind. I knew everything even before Harry told me. He's in love with you Louis, he really is. It's killing him that he can't be with you like he wants to" he said as I tried to get in my room. He took my arm and forced me to look at him. " If you feel the same, stop hiding. We'll help you boys. Honestly, it's making us feel bad that you guys are always upset like that and-"

"I don't love him. I have a girlfriend" I said, getting in my room and closing the door behind me.

Fucking bullshit.

My Boyfriend is Gay (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now