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"What do you mean Harry left?" Liam said, not believing any word I said.

"I don't know Liam! He left! He fucking left and I have no idea where he went!" I yelled, starting to freak out.

"Go to bed Louis, he probably just went out to get some fresh air. He will be back when you'll wake up I promise" he said, not worried at all.

"I know Harry more than you guys do and he left for good! Liam open your eyes, he left me a note and hasn't answered any of my texts!" I said, freaking out even more.

"Go to bed and wait until tomorrow okay? I promise everything is fine, you're just tired Louis" he softly said. "If he's not there tomorrow morning then we will get worried. I promise that everything is fine"

"Okay Liam, but if it's wrong, you'll regret it" I said, rushing back to my room and slamming the door. Something was wrong and I felt it.

I woke up the next day feeling incredibly bad. My body was weak, as weak as my heart. I stood up and rushed to Harry's room. I knocked.

Still no answer. He was nowhere to be seen. That's when I started to panic.

Yesterday was okay. Liam calmed me down and I knew that it was a possibility that Harry left only to get some fresh her. But I also felt that it wasn't the case.

And I was right. I ran to Liam's door and knocked as loud as I could. He opened the door and by the look on his face, I could tell that I just had woken him up.

I didn't have to say a word, Liam understood what was going on just with that desperate look on my face.

"I'll put some clothes on and we'll go search him together" he turned around, put some pants and shirt as fast as he could. "I'm ready. It's going to be fine Louis. I texted Niall and they're going to stay here and call us when he comes back".

'If he does come back' my unconscious shouted and I wanted to kill it.

"Thanks" I whispered to Liam, rushing to the lobby. I was actually really scared. Harry isn't the type of guy to leave without saying anything.

"Where do you think he could be?" Liam asked.

"I have no fucking clue Liam and if I did I'd be there with him" I yelled back, more upset at the situation than Liam himself.

"Right, sorry Lou" he slowly said and I felt instantly bad. It wasn't his fault if Harry left and I had to put this frustration elsewhere.

" No look I'm sorry. I'm stressed out but I shouldn't be yelling at you that way" I said, hugging him.

"It's okay I understand" he hugged me back. "Damn Lou don't worry Harry is fine. You guys really need to clear this shit out" he said and I froze.

"What do you mean?" I asked, pulling away.

"We're not blind Louis. There's something going on with you and Harry. It's making you two crazy. If you love him Louis, just fucking go with it! We'll fight through this. We're five in this band and we're strong enough to overcome anything" he said and tears filled up my eyes. Liam was a truly good friend and I couldn't thank him enough for everything he's done for me.

"Thanks mate but it's okay..." I lied, still searching for the one I could never live without.


We searched for about 4 hours and I was freaking out even more with every second that passed. I just wanted to fall down on the floor and cry. Somehow, I could't. I had to keep going. I needed too.

"Louis..." Liam slowly said, grabbing my arm. He pointed at someone sitting on the side of a bridge. My heart broke into million pieces as I instantly recognized the curly haired boy.

"No way!" I said, running to the place he was sitting. "What are you doing Harry! Don't" I yelled, out of desesperation. If he jumped off of it, I would too.

He turned around and tensed when his eyes locked with mine.

"Get off that bridge Harry!" I yelled, still running to reach him as fast as I could. He turned around and stood up. He jumped on the right side of it and his feet touched the ground. I rushed to him and held him in my arms.

"What the heck Louis?" he said, pushing me away slowly.

"You were going to jump off!" I sobbed, still on shock.

"Not at all... God damn I was just looking at the water and thinking" he said, still not understanding my worries.

"But.. Crap I was sure you were about to jump and I got scared and... Why did you leave like that?! You didn't even answer my texts or anything" I yelled, replacing anxiety with anger.

"My phone died" he simply said.

"That's all you have to say?" I asked, upset.

"I had to go away and let you with her. I couldn't stand staying there. You need me to back off Louis" he calmly said. How can he be so fucking calm while I'm pissed off.

"No! You're my friend Harry I mean what the fuck don't leave me like that!" I yelled and felt Liam's hand on my arm. This simple gesture calmed me down a bit.

"Friend Louis? Friends don't kiss" he snapped. He was right and I knew it. I had no idea what to answer to that.

"What do you expect me to do?l I asked, my voice breaking. I was lost.

"Nothing. I'm not expecting anything from you. Not anymore. I just needed you to make a decision because I hate going back and forth like that. I just think that you won't ever be able to make this decision, so I thought I'd make it. I'm not waiting for you anymore Louis, it's over. You've played me enough and it's killing me" my heart instantly shattered. "Live what you have to live with her Lou and don't think about me. It seems so easy for you to do so" he said. It seemed so easy for him to say these things and my heart was totally broken. He was right though and I couldn't argue with him. He didn't deserve what I put him through and I felt bad about it.

"But Harry-"

"No Louis" he cut me off. "Don't say anything to make this even harder for me. I'm not mad at you, I understand. I'll give us some time to get used to
it. I definitely don't want to lose you as a friend but it's impossible if we don't take some time apart first. Take care Louis and get back to me when you feel like it's the right time" He said. It left me speechless. There were so many things that I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't. He never said anything like that before and I could tell he was being quite serious about it. He turned around and left me heartbroken beside Liam who was speechless too.

It seemed like the end of us. Honestly, I didn't expect it to be the start of something new.

Days of pain and misery.

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