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I'm proud of myself. I honestly gained so much strength during the last 2 weeks. I feel way more independent. I'm not going to lie; I still think about Louis a lot. I just know that I'm making the right decision in letting him some space.

He doesn't look that good though. I don't see him around as much. He never hangs out with us after the shows. He just locks himself in his hotel room, alone. But it's okay, I understand. He cheated on his girlfriend so
he's going through hard times. Time will heal things and his couple will come out strong I'm sure about that.

It's hard to let him go, but I can't keep chasing something that was never mine. There's a reason why he's in a relationship with someone other than me and I need to respect that.

I feel lucky though because my job makes it quite easier. I feel good on stage and I forget everything that's happening around me. I feel free and happy. I love my job and it's saving me.

We have an interview today since we're performing on Good Morning America and for some reason I can't wait. I feel like we're growing up as a band and it's amazing. We sound different and I love it. We're more confident when we write, when we sing and when we perform. It's amazing and I'm proud of us.

"Here on this stage again, One Direction!" the interviewer screamed as we walked on stage.

"Hello" I waved at fans, smiling as always.

"Hi boys" the interviewer said. "So first of, how's the tour so far?"

"Amazing" Niall smiled. "Couldn't ask for better fans. Every single show is awesome and we're enjoying every moment."

"When's the next album coming out? Are you guys excited about it?" he asked.

"Absolutely" Liam answered. "We don't have a date for the release because we want to work on it and release it when we're ready. We hope everyone will like it because we're really proud of it" he said as everyone screamed at his answer.

"Now personal life. Who's got a girlfriend... or boyfriend we never know?" he asked with that grin on his face. I hated it. I stared as Louis when he raised his hand just like Zayn did. "Still with the same girl Zayn?"

"Yeah. Me and Perrie are going well. Still engaged and it's going good. No time to plan the wedding but eventually" he confidently said. I admire his relationship with this girl.

"That's good. And you Louis, you're pretty quiet today?" the interviewer noticed.

"Yes well I'm good" he simply said.

"We don't see you around as much?" he asked and i literally felt like slapping him in the face.

"Well actually I may have something to say" he said, looking at Liam who put his hand on his shoulder. Niall did the exact same thing and at the moment, I felt that something was wrong. "I'm going through rough times and after thinking about it, I have to take a break from everything. I'm sorry for everyone I'm letting down at the moment but I'm taking a break from touring just for a while. I won't end the tour but I'm sure the boys will do well and they won't deceive all of you" the heavy silence was unbearable. I couldn't believe it. I didn't even know that he made that decision. The look on Zayn, Niall and Liam's faces told me that they weren't as surprised as I were. They knew it. I did not. I was speechless.

"What about your fans? They paid for your shows and you're going to give up on them?" the interviewer said and Louis flinched instantly.

"Louis has to take some time for himself" Liam said. "He will come back stronger, he's not letting anyone down."

"Don't you think it's selfish and unfair for people?" he asked. It was too much for me to handle and I couldn't help but stare at Louis the whole time. My heart broke again.

"Unfair?" Zayn said. "Leave the lad alone. He's just trying to think about himself a bit. He's down and wants to feel better. Just keep your damn opinions for yourself. It's his decision, not yours" Zayn's reaction surprised everyone.

"I understand it's okay. Just trying to defend your fans there" he said. Thats was total bullshit.

"Well we are supporting Louis and we will keep doing our thing until he comes back. We're still four and we can still pull off many good shows. We won't let everyone down and I'm sure that our fans support his decision as much as we do" Niall said, putting his arm around Louis' shoulders. "It sure will be different without him because he's a huge part of the band, but he needs that time apart and we respect that. We love him and will always be there for him."

For a moment, I felt invisible. I felt like I did not matter and like I was not a part of this band. I felt stupid and I really wanted to stand up and run away from here.

They announced this bullshit without even telling me and they broke my heart even more than it was before. The pain was unbearable and during the rest of the interview, I couldn't even talk. My mouth was shut and my eyes were still always looking at Louis. He didn't even stare at me for a second. He stared at the ground.

I wished it was all just a nightmare. Sadly, it was not.

Cruel reality.

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