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I felt trapped. Not only mentally, but physically. I wanted to run away from him as fast and as far as I could. Sadly, I was in a country i knew nothing about. These things were impossible to do. That's why I ran away without knowing where I was going.

I could hear someone yelling my name behind me but it never stopped me from running. I knew exactly who that person was and it's the main reason why I didn't want to stop running. He was the one responsible for that pain.

Honestly, the action of being cheated on is not what's worse. It is what's surrounding this action that hurts the most. It's all the lies, the fake 'i love you's', the feeling of giving your love to someone who didn't deserve half of it... That's what truly felt like the worst thing.

I was supposed to be the one surprising him. My plan was to come here, surprise my boyfriend and enjoy our weekend together. I took the god damn plane, which scares me to death, to try and make him happy. He's the one who surprised me.

You might think I'm too naive, but I never thought Louis would cheat on me. It was even more of a surprise to know that it was with Harry. Honestly, I didn't feel any jealousy. It was all too fucked up for me. How could I be so blind?

Their friendship was nothing close to a friendship and I should've known about it.

"Mia" he said, out of breath. "Please stop" To his words, I stopped. Not because I wanted to talk to him, just because I couldn't handle it anymore. I felt like my heart was going to explode in my chest if I didn't stop. "Let's talk and sort this thing out, please" he said and I could feel the emotion in his voice. I couldn't care less about it.

"How long?" I asked, not even bothering to make a complete sentence.

"Well we can talk for hours if you want or just-"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about Louis. Answer" I said, on a harsh tone I had no idea was possible for me.

"I cheated on you twice only... I'm sorry. Both times with Harry. In the last week..." he said, passing his hand through his messy hair.

"No. For how long have you felt this way towards him!" I yelled back, tears rushing down my face.

"Mia it's complicated love..." he said, trying to reach for my hand.

"NO!" I yelled back. "You just fucking cheated on me, don't you think I deserve some answers?"

"Since.. Since the start" he said, looking straight at me. "But once I've started dating you, it stopped I swear it did."

"When's the start Louis?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"Well.. 5 years ago, right after the X factor is when he first kissed me" he said, his voice breaking. I turned around and left him hanging there alone. I was so destroyed and every word he said hurt me like a knife. He broke my heart into million pieces.

"Wait! Please Mia!" he said, rushing back to me again.

"I'm going back home. I have nothing to tell you. I just need to think about all of this. It's too much for me." I said, looking straight into his eyes. "I was coming here to save us and it totally drowned me" I said, not keeping the tears from falling down my cheeks. He stayed there, looking straight at me, speechless.


I felt like a fool. I swear for some reason I just wanted to end it all. I've never been suicidal or anything but I had no god damn idea how to deal with this shit.

I felt stuck between my best-friend and girlfriend. I knew what my heart needed and I knew what my mind wanted. These were just two different things.

I walked back to the hotel, not even bothering to run after her. She needed this time away and I could easily understand why.

-I'm sorry Lou. Things will get better between you two. H x -

I had no idea how to feel about this. Things were not going to fucking get better between us, I fucked it all.

I needed to talk to him so I rushed back into his room as fast as I could. I wasn't mad at him, I was the only one to blame. I need to stop playing with two people at the same time only because I can't make up my own mind. I opened the door and saw no trace of him. His shoes weren't even there. I rushed to his bed and saw a note. These words totally broke my heart because I knew damn well that it was nothing good. I had no idea what got to his mind nor what he decided to do, but it totally freaked me out.

-Do what's good for you. I love you Boobear. H x-

Harry had just left me for good.

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