~8~The plot thinnens

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Joey: it sure is a shame Mokuba got kidnapped again; if we'd been paying the slightest bit of attention, it probably wouldn't have happened.

Yugi: oh, he gets kidnapped like once a week, I'm sure he's used to it by now!

Mokuba: It feels like I'm dying inside!


Joey: it sure feels good to know that my friends are backing me up!

Tristan: man, Joey. These guys look like there way out of your league. Maybe we should go looking for some three-year olds.

Teà: you'd be better off facing a dueling monkey!

Joey: you guys are the worst friends ever!


(Btw, Joey punched Tristan and that's what started the fight between these two. Just in case you haven't seen this episode or forgot)

Tristan: good luck winning this card game without my help!

Joey: yeah, 'cause your usually such a important character.


Tristan: well, he's got a hot sister, so I guess I can forgive him for assaulting me.

Yugi: and that's what true friendship is all about.

Tristan: ... What?

Yugi: let's just go back.

*Yugi and Tristan go back to the others*

Tristan: hey, Joey! I've returned to give you my support!

Joey: Hey Tristan, I don't care!


Ryou (Bakura): By the way, there's something Id like you to know.

*Ryou switches with the spirit of the millennium ring*

Yami Bakura: Your a bunch of idiots!

Yugi: this came completely out of nowhere!


Yami: hi, folks. Here at YuGiOh, we like to have a good laugh as much as the next guy, but there comes a time when the laughter must stop. And that's usually when somebody dies. Recently, a treasured member of our cast passed away. His name, was Tristan Taylors' voice.

Teà: he meant so much to all of us! He made us laugh, he made us cry, I can't believe he's really gone...

Yugi: when I first heard that Tristan's voice died, I couldn't believe what I was hearing! His voice was like family to me!

Joey: I was with him when his voice passed away, his voice was struggling to overcome an addiction with alcohol. And... Well... One thing lead to another. Tristan's voice, have you been drinking?!

Tristan with his original voice: I can't remember because I'm so drunk!

Joey: hey, wait! Don't run with those scissors!

Tristan: your not the boss of me!

*theres a small 'snip' in the background of scissors*

Tristan: ouch!

Joey: oh no. He's dead.

Mai: what happened to Tristan's voice was so terrible. Id never want to lose my voice.

Mokuba: Me either!

(R.I.P. Tristan's voice! :,( )

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