~21~Massively Multiplayer Online Children's Card Game

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Seto: K, thanks.

Mokuba: wait, Seto! It's clearly a trap! Why are you being so gullible and out of character?!


Joey: forget about it, there's no way were helping your brother! He smells like wee wee.

Mokuba: but he's been trapped in a video game world where monsters are-

Joey: did you just say video game?

Mokuba: yes, but it's very dangerous-

Yugi: come on guys, let's go play the video game! Anything to take a break from these crappy card games! Bye gramps, you'd better have that money when we get back!


Teà: um, Yugi? Before you go, there's something I need to tell you.

Yugi: don't worry Teà, I know all about it.

Teà: really?

Yugi: yeah, you're in love with me, right?

Teà: actually I'm in love with your sexy alter-ego.

Yugi: oh... Well this is kind of awkward.


Tristan: I've been thinking, what if were all part of some enormous virtual world? What if we exist in a fictional universe created by some Japanese guy who likes card games?

Teà: Tristan that is without a doubt the dumbest thing you've ever said.


Tristan: *singing* Uh-oh, we're in trouble, something's come along and it burst our bubble.

Teà: yeah, yeah.

Princess Adina: Hello, I'm princess Adina.

Joey: this is just wrong.

Mokuba: I've never been so traumatized in my life. Why would my brother create something so twisted?

Joey: now do you see why we hate him so much?


Yugi: question!

Princess Adina: um... Yes?

Yugi: just what the heck are you anyway? Are you a boy or a girl?

Joey: maybe it's a she-male! You know, like Bakura!

Mokuba: whatever it is, it's going to haunt my dreams the rest of my life.

Adina: excuse me brave heroes, I'm trying to tell you about the suffering of my people.

Yugi: I think it's pretty obvious why your people are suffering, their ruler is a transvestite.

Adina: the only way to defeat the mythic dragon is by resurrecting an ancient flying machine-

Yugi: why weren't you censored, anyway? I mean, what, guns are bad but cross-dressing princesses are a-okay?


Yugi: they got princess Adina!

Joey: thank god for that, she was really freaking me out.

Adina: *dressed as Mokuba* oh no, they kidnapped Mokuba!

Joey: why the heck was Mokuba dressed like you?!

Adina: um... Well...

*small flashback*

Mokuba: let's switch outfits, I've always wanted to be pretty!

*end flashback*


Mokuba: Seto!

Seto: Mokuba? Why the heck were you dressed like a girl?


Seto: if anybody asks, I rescued you.

Mokuba: yes big brother.


Seto: Listen, pal. You can try to take over my company, you can kidnap my little brother, you can even try to kill me; but when you EFF around with video games, you've gone to far!

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